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Looking for Math recommendations

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I hope someone can help me!


Dd is 13 / finishing up 7th grade. We have been using Saxon since Saxon 3, progressing through 5/4, 6/5, 7/6 and now Algebra 1/2. She has been becoming increasingly frustrated with Saxon's approach - in her words, Saxon does a great job explaining the "how", but not the "why" of math problems. She is one who needs a better explanation of the "why" (and I'm not math-oriented enough to explain it to her!)


So. I promised her I'd come ask for some suggestions. I don't tend to like to switch curriculum - but, it appears that this one is not working for us, and I'm willing to look around. I'm looking for next year, Algebra One, and beyond.


Thanks so much!

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Saxon DOES give the students the 'how' and 'why'--but since the increments are so spread out many students have trouble putting the WHOLE picture together.


It is most likely a 'parts' vs 'whole' problem. I've seen this MANY times--even with my own dd--and while I like Saxon it does not work for every student in the upper grades. Most lower grade students do fine with the variety--upper grade students may need to camp out on a concept a bit more.


It is VERY common to switch publishers (especially in Math) at the point where you are. VERY FEW publishers (I can't think of one right now) have solid elementary AND high school math programs.


Try looking a more 'traditional' texts. Jacobs, Foerster, Lial and Larson (Chalkdust) are my suggestions for solid programs (not in any particular order). Chalkdust is the most expensive (new) but if you need video lessons for highschool this is one of the best ones.


I use Lial with most of my students and with my own dd (after she switched from Saxon). Basic College Math would be your next step in the Lial series--the perk is that you can find this series CHEAP--and it is very good! Look for the 5th, 6th or 7th editions. Start with just the text and then add on supplements as you need--ALL of the teaching is in the text! Videos and solutions manuals (problems worked out) are still available for the 'older' editions. A text should run well under $10 with priority shipping! Make sure there is no writing in the text as BCM is often used as a workbook--I let my dd write in hers!

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My dd, who did Saxon 54, 65 & 76 likes Lial's. We've switched to an older Dolciani now. She did Lial's without the DVDs, but I think it could help to get them. Most of the time she was fine, but there were times she couldn't understand from the text and she didn't like "my" way of doing Algebra. Of course, the Dolciani we have is from when I was a kid, so it's "my" way:001_smile:.

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I've used Saxon Alg. 1/2 with 3 children and all of them didn't like it. They all hit a bump in the course around the lessons starting with percentages and ratio. I think lessons in the 50's or 60's.


Eldest 2 worked through it with some complaints, but continued up to Saxon Advanced Math.


My 3rd non-mathy child really struggled with Alg 1/2, so after he finished the course (very reluctantly), we switched to Jacobs Algebra. He's one of those kids that can't take math in bits and pieces. He really needs to see the whole picture. He's doing much better now. Even though math is still not his favorite subject, he's a lot less frustrated. We've stopped Jacob's for now as he needs a little more practice to cement some concepts, so using "Key to" for awhile.


For my next child coming up, I'm going to use Chalkdust for Prealgebra.

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My son transitioned from Saxon 76 to Chalkdust Pre-Algebra. Your dc would be ready to go into Algebra I with Chalkdust. We are just finishing up Algebra I this year. I really LOVE this program and plan to carry on as far as it goes.

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We too have used Saxon all the way until we reached the last few years of high school then we switched to other curriculums.


First we used Jacobs Geometry. Then we switched to Lial's and Foerster for Algebra and Trig, Precalculus and Calculus.


We love the way that Lial's & Foerster incorporate application problems that show the child how to use the concepts they learned in everyday applications. That way, my child won't have to ask "Why am I having to learn this, because I will never use it anyway."

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My son transitioned from Saxon 76 to Chalkdust Pre-Algebra. Your dc would be ready to go into Algebra I with Chalkdust. We are just finishing up Algebra I this year. I really LOVE this program and plan to carry on as far as it goes.


I had not heard of Chalkdust before; I'll definitely be looking into it this weekend.

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We too have used Saxon all the way until we reached the last few years of high school then we switched to other curriculums.


First we used Jacobs Geometry. Then we switched to Lial's and Foerster for Algebra and Trig, Precalculus and Calculus.


We love the way that Lial's & Foerster incorporate application problems that show the child how to use the concepts they learned in everyday applications. That way, my child won't have to ask "Why am I having to learn this, because I will never use it anyway."


I have so many programs to research this weekend! I like the idea of application problems, since I do hear, quite frequently, "I'm never going to need this!" I tell her that she may very well need it, if she homeschools her own dc someday!

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