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Workout poll

How much do you work out each week?  

  1. 1. How much do you work out each week?

    • 4 or more hours a week of medium/high-intensity training
    • 4 or more hours of medium/high-intensity training
    • 3 hrs medium/high-intensity training
    • 3 hrs low/medium training
    • 2 hrs med/high
    • 2 hrs low/med
    • less than 2 med/high
    • less than 2 low/med
    • not regularly, but frim time to time
    • never

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I voted 3 hrs. low/med but hope to bump it up a little now that summer is here. We go to the YMCA 4 days a week (most weeks) since it is only a couple miles from our house. So while I'm working out, my little kids are playing in the Kid Zone (nursery area) and my olders are on their own to exercise, workout, swim or play with the different activities our Y offers.

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I fit exercise in with the kids a number of ways:

The younger in a jogging stroller and the older on a bike while I run

Both playing in the middle of the track while I run

Both in childwatch at the YMCA

Both with their dad


I actually like bringing them with me when I run (both track and trail) because I think it sets a good example. My 6 year old ran a mile yesterday at the track then played in the middle with her sister for the rest of my run. At the end she asked how soon I think she can be ready to run as far as I do so she can run in a real race (I think I am going to sign her up for a 5k in October).


We only have two rules, no whining and you must listen immediately when we are out for a workout. They are quite reliable with both.'


eta: My kids are 4 and 6.

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4 or more hours of medium intensity exercise.:001_huh:

I can't believe I'm saying that. The most planned exercise I ever did was walking or hiking.

Now I'm going to an exercise class --cardiac rehab, since I ruptured my mitral valve in March. I'm in my fifth week. I go for an hour three days a week and walk for at least 15 minutes 6 days a week.

Yeah, I'm loving it too, it makes me feel much better, much stronger, more endurance, I can see improvement each day.

I like the muscle toning I see in some places!!!

When I'm finished with it, in about seven weeks, I'll get into my malibu pilates exercise bench.

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And I'd love to know what the children are up to when you work out.


And option 2 is low/medium intensity.


Where's your "other"?


I've just started doing a paleo-style program. Quite a bit of low intensity moving around, with some sprinting and heavy lifting thrown in. Next I'm going to try to get in some play time. I love it!


ETA- my kids are old enough to not need supervision. I usually work out near home before they wake up in the summer.

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I don't believe in working out for the sake of working out. I don't even believe in being active for the sake of being active. I like fencing, and dance of assorted kinds, but I do those because I like to, not because I'm purposely being active.



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I really like working out. It's a great outlet for me in many ways.


I usually workout two days per week. Swimming is my absolute favorite and I love it to death. It doesn't feel like exercise. I usually do that a few times, another day of cardio and weight training.


My DD and I both workout at the same place. We are walking distance to a community center and pool that is inexpensive.


As my DD has both PCOS and insulin resistance, working out is just as important as food, honestly. She works out about as much as I do, but isn't into swimming.

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I don't believe in working out for the sake of working out. I don't even believe in being active for the sake of being active. I like fencing, and dance of assorted kinds, but I do those because I like to, not because I'm purposely being active.




The advantage of this is that it makes exercise enjoyable instead of a chore.


Right now, exercise for me is definitely a chore. But walking is the easiest, cheapest, and most efficient means of exercise I can get right now. I'll take it. ;)

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I misfired my vote (that's what I get for not reading the very first post!); it should have been option 1.


I work out 2 hrs a day, 6-7 days a week, moderate to high intensity, meaning I do about an hour of HIIT, then power lift. I also ride my bike, play lacrosse with my kids (including boot camp style conditioning drills), walk places, climb, bend, lift, pull, push...


My kids are either a) at home with my husband (we'll take turns running/biking/etc) or b) at the gym with us, in the youth area or c) actively involved.

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