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Movie to watch with my 10 yo son

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I'm looking for some good movie ideas. I thought it would be nice to have a one on one movie date (dvd at home) with my ds, 10 yo. I'm also hoping it will be a good motivation to handle the week well (I was thinking on his side, but I suppose I could use the motivation too.:001_smile:)


I was thinking it would be just the two of us, big bowl of popcorn, and lots of other snacks too.


I want it to be a movie that neither of us has seen. So, here are three I was thinking of. I'm looking for opinions on these three or other suggestions.


1. Inkheart

2. City of Ember

3. The Thief Lord


Ds has listened to all of these on audio books and has liked them all.


Any thoughts?

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Have you seen:


Fly Away Home

The Sandlot

Cool Runnings

The Court Jester (old movie with Danny Kaye)

Lassie Come Home

Singing in the Rain (old movie with Debbie Reynolds & Gene Kelly)

Princess Bride

Homeward Bound

Star Trek :The Journey Home (save the whales, save the world)

Galaxy Quest

Spy Kids

James and the Giant Peach


Edited by LibraryLover
Because it's Trek, not Wars.
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The Inkheart movie wasn't nearly as good as the book (imo, most movies aren't). In contrast, my sister and my hubby, who hadn't read the book, thought it was good and were annoyed by the 4 of us yelling, "That's not how it happened. That was never in the book."


Honestly though, we hated it! The books were great. The movie was a huge disappointment.


How about The Princess Bride? It's a family favourite here.

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Have you seen:


Fly Away Home

The Sandlot

Cool Runnings

The Court Jester (old movie with Danny Kaye)

Lassie Come Home

Singing in the Rain (old movie with Debbie Reynolds & Gene Kelly)

Princess Bride

Homeward Bound

Star Wars :The Journey Home (save the whales, save the world)

Galaxy Quest

Spy Kids

James and the Giant Peach



Yikes ! I hope you meant Star Trek: The Journey Home! lol


I might add the original Star Wars in there, though, if you haven't seen it.

I would second The Princess Bride.

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I'm not familiar with the movies you mentioned but my dd10 and i have been watching a lot of movies after reading the related book.


So far this year we've read and watched (or will soon watch)...


Tuck Everlasting


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

the first couple of Harry Potter movies


Pinnochio (not the cartoon one)

Because of Winn Dixie

Nim's Island

Alice in Wonderland

The Indian In The Cupboard

Treasure Island


I also have a book called: Talking Pictures, A Parents Guide To Using Movies To Discuss Ethics, Values and Everyday Problems With Children.


It's a neat book that suggests various titles broken down by age group and then by the types of issues it deals with. And then it offers conversation starters, specific discussion questions and so on. We're going to start working through some of those together, probably in the summer, perhaps inviting a few other kids my daughter's age to participate. We can do a movie club night once a week or once every other week over the summer or something.

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We don't watch many kid/Disney movies :ack2:, but tend to find older adult movies. We're watching "Sprit of St. Louis" right now.



I know it's not out yet, but we took our 8 1/2 yo to see "The King's Speech" a few weeks ago. I gave him a family tree, working backwards from William, who he's heard so much about lately. I also explained how the radio, being newer, was a an issue and why studdering was such an issue for a royal.


With the backstory, he was able to follow it well and really seemed to enjoy it. He was able to get something out of struggle to overcome an issue, the friendship and the historical significance of it.

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