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If you use BSF for Bible Study....

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Do you add other Bible reading or Bible study in addition to your weekly BSF study? If so, what? Devotional reading? A Bible reading schedule without any in depth study? A book from the opposite Testament (i.e. We're in Isaiah this year, so a book from the New Testament?) A Character Trait resource?


Also, do you focus on the BSF memory verses for Bible memory or do you use something else?



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We use BSF for all kiddos & myself!

This is their Bible study for school. They just love it!!

They memorize the memory verses from the study for school too!


Isn't this study of Isaiah wonderful!!!:D

We do some other fun family studies over the summer....same time....6:55!!!:lol:

I have found it is good to keep them in God's word daily!!

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Loving getting back to BSF this year after a 3 year break -- and Isaiah is an *amazing* book!


Other than the BSF study, I shoot for personal devotional time of reading out of Scripture and prayer, and then (high school age) DSs and I are doing Kay Arthur's "Lord is it Warfare" -- we've broken it into VERY tiny chunks though, so the 11-week study will end up taking us 26 weeks of the school year. We also read very short sections of other books together too. (This year, so far we've done: How To Be Your Own Selfish Pig; God's Smugger (autobiography of Brother Andrew); Mere Christianity; and are about to finish Wonderfully and Fearfully Made.)



I have never been able to do BSF the way they lay it out (a little each day for 6 days), as I totally lose focus and the point of where it's going. I usually do it in 2 chunks -- within a day of receiving the new lesson, I read the notes and do the first questions on the lecture and the notes. Then a day or two before the next study, I stay up at night and spend 3-5 hours (depending on how sidetracked into word study of the original Hebrew I get!) of focused time and do the rest of the questions. Anyways, by doing other things, I am able to receive my "manna for the day", and then really dig into BSF as a study. Just what works for me! :)


So fun to know other WTMers are also BSFers! ;) Warmest regards, Lori D.

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Loving getting back to BSF this year after a 3 year break -- and Isaiah is an *amazing* book!


Other than the BSF study, I shoot for personal devotional time of reading out of Scripture and prayer, and then (high school age) DSs and I are doing Kay Arthur's "Lord is it Warfare" -- we've broken it into VERY tiny chunks though, so the 11-week study will end up taking us 26 weeks of the school year. We also read very short sections of other books together too. (This year, so far we've done: How To Be Your Own Selfish Pig; God's Smugger (autobiography of Brother Andrew); Mere Christianity; and are about to finish Wonderfully and Fearfully Made.)



I have never been able to do BSF the way they lay it out (a little each day for 6 days), as I totally lose focus and the point of where it's going. I usually do it in 2 chunks -- within a day of receiving the new lesson, I read the notes and do the first questions on the lecture and the notes. Then a day or two before the next study, I stay up at night and spend 3-5 hours (depending on how sidetracked into word study of the original Hebrew I get!) of focused time and do the rest of the questions. Anyways, by doing other things, I am able to receive my "manna for the day", and then really dig into BSF as a study. Just what works for me! :)


So fun to know other WTMers are also BSFers! ;) Warmest regards, Lori D.


Lori, I appreciate your experience! I do not study as deeply as you do, but I do find myself doing it in chunks rather than daily... and maybe that's why I find myself wanting to add to it. Thank you for sharing the other books you've read with your highschooler as well. Very helpful.

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Thank you ladies for your replies! I didn't realize there were so many people here in BSF! I do love the study and the accountability it has given us this year. It's possibly the only subject area I haven't jumped from curricula to curricula, LOL. Some weeks I have gotten more or less from it as it has been a busy year for us (dh's deployment and recent return home). And even though Israel's history is familiar to me, poetic language is not my forte. I confess there have been weeks when I found myself looking forward to next year's study in the book of Acts, LOL!


As much as I would love to add something different to it during the week, I am relieved to read that most of you don't. (I like to keep to one resource per subject as much as possible). I could see adding a devotional book or something for my oldest without burdening him.... but probably not for the younger ones.


Thanks again for all the replies! It's very helpful!

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