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Curriculum rec's for Kindy (with little preK auditors...)


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A few different questions!

OK, so DS is turning 6 in the fall and has strong letter recognition/sound out letters/some blends, addition and subtraction under ten strong, and seems about Kindy ready. From what I know, anyway.

I am trying to pick a cirriculum for him. I'd prefer something all laid out and organized for me, and so far have looked at both Heart of Dakota and My Father's World, and haven't been able to pick on or the other.

I also have a four year old and a two year old, and was going to use Slow and Steady Get Me Ready to help with getting them ready to step and use whatever I pick when the time is ripe. Although, activities that would be interesting for the little ones to participate in some ways would be nice. I haven't looked at SSGMR yet, it's on its way to me so I don't know if anything else would be helpful.

I know there's a lot out there, but just don't know about them. So what have you tried and loved?


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Sounds to me like he is more ready for 1st grade. I love:


CLE Math so I'll recommend that.


I personally would not recommend My Father's World Kindergarten or 1st grade. We couldn't stand it.


We use Heart of Dakota for one of my children and she is very happy with it. Heart of Dakota is laid out very nicely and if your looking for all in one, you can't go wrong. We have owned and used many of their programs. For a 6 year old I would recommend Little Hearts for His Glory.


For your 4 year old, I just got All About Reading (Marie Ripple) in the mail today and I am so excited about this program. I have been looking for something so well laid out like this for years for all of my kids and I finally got it with my last one!


My personal plan for my upcoming kindergarten son (He will be 5 in April, so he is younger than your child) is to use:


All About Reading: This has so many extra benefits, including fine motor skills

Singapore Essential Math

Lots of books from the library, including historical picture books.

Let him sit in on his older sister science (They do REAL Science Odyssey)

Lots of play!

Edited by Michelle My Bell
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Hello! I'm new here, a momma with a two-year-old whom I'd like to start exposing to enjoyable, worthwhile, foundational learning experiences. I've been searching sites and Amazon lists, and I recognized the title SSGMR from my recent readings, but I have no first-hand information about it. I'd love to hear what you think about it when you get it.


I also read some great reviews for Before Five in a Row. Unfortunately, the book is out of print and a little pricey on eBay. I'm trying to decide if I want to make the splurge.


ETA My two close friends are doing Teach Your Child to Read in Ten Minutes a Day, and so far they've loved it.


I hope some others have some good info. for us!

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I love, love LOVE MFW K. I have not used HOD, so I can't comment on their K program, but MFW K is the best K program out there, IMO. MFW 1 is MUCH more advanced. It moves at a much quicker pace. When I started my oldest in K, she was 5.5 I started her in MFW K and thought it was way too easy, but it turned out to be the best thing we could have done. Their phonics portion reinforced what she knew, and helped her become a confident reader.


I will say that the TM took some getting used to, but it wasn't too bad. I really, really enjoyed it. It was what let me continue homeschooling.


ETA: With the littles you have listening in, I think MFW K is perfect!

Edited by 3lilreds in NC
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I think HOD would work well for those ages. You can involve the younger ones in a lot of the activities. You will still need a phonics program and math program. We are using SWR/Cusive First for reading and writing, RightStart for math and Sonlight for lit/history/science. I love the schedule-style of SL's instructor guides and I love to sit and read to my kids. DD (5yo) could sit with me for hours being read to, and DS' attention span (3yo) is increasing all the time. If they were more fidgety and if I were more excited about all the rhymes and songs and activities in HOD, I would do that. But the snuggle-on-the-couch approach of SL is really perfect for us, and I love the schedule.

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I also read some great reviews for Before Five in a Row. Unfortunately, the book is out of print and a little pricey on eBay.

BFIAR is not out of print. It is available at Rainbow Resource. This has a great collection of literature, but personally I do not like the style of the guide.

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CLE Math so I'll recommend that.


I personally would not recommend My Father's World Kindergarten or 1st grade. We couldn't stand it.



What's CLE?

What didn't you like about MFW?


I think HOD would work well for those ages. You can involve the younger ones in a lot of the activities. You will still need a phonics program and math program. We are using SWR/Cusive First for reading and writing, RightStart for math and Sonlight for lit/history/science. I love the schedule-style of SL's instructor guides and I love to sit and read to my kids. DD (5yo) could sit with me for hours being read to, and DS' attention span (3yo) is increasing all the time. If they were more fidgety and if I were more excited about all the rhymes and songs and activities in HOD, I would do that. But the snuggle-on-the-couch approach of SL is really perfect for us, and I love the schedule.

Good to know! SL is pretty pricey but I have considered seeing what our library offers and just getting teacher's manuals. We are in a pretty rural area so I'm not holding out much hope so far, but that sounds very nice. My kids love snuggling and reading.

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I picked FIAR and RS with the idea that maybe my 3yo can tag along

My 3yo tags along with our RS lessons and enjoys it. He is obviously not learning it at the level that DD is but I think it is helping to give him a good foundation before I officially start it with him. Sometimes I am amazed at the things he blurts out that show how it is all connecting in his little mind. I think it would be easy for a 4yo to tag along with RS and it could be modified to work for their level.

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When I started Little Hearts for His Glory, ds was almost 5 and dd was still 2. They both loved it! Little sis loved joining in for the rhymes, bible verses and song, science/art/dramatic play activities. I did the read-alouds at lunch and she picked up more than I expected then as well. We all loved it for my son's kindergarten year! He would have gotten even more out of it had I waited to start until he was closer to 6, so that would be great timing for your ds. We did half of MFW K after we finished LHFHG, but it wasn't as good a fit for our family - I think my ds was getting too old for it by then, and my dd was 3, not quite ready for a lot of it. It might have worked better for us if we had found MFW K first, and then did Little Hearts. Anyhow, we very much enjoyed LHFHG and I'm looking forward to starting it again slowly this year with my dd!

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What's CLE?

What didn't you like about MFW?



Good to know! SL is pretty pricey but I have considered seeing what our library offers and just getting teacher's manuals. We are in a pretty rural area so I'm not holding out much hope so far, but that sounds very nice. My kids love snuggling and reading.


Sorry for not being specific. CLE Math is Christian Light Math. You can see samples at their website http://www.clp.org by clicking on the individual light unit numbers.


I didn't like MFW Kindergarten because the TM was VERY VERY confusing. It was badly laid out. I didn't like MFW 1st grade because it was disjointed. It didn't have any room for growth for the student. If they couldn't keep the pace of the phonics lessons, you were out.

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My current Kindy student is using Happy Phonics and Recipe for Reading for LA, Miquon & Math Mammoth 1A. I'll probably cut the Math Mammoth for my next Kindy student (too much writing/too much drill for a child who doesn't LOVE the smell of a workbook;))...and maybe add MEP Reception Year as we have extra time.



Happy Phonics is something I can combine with. Having dc so close together, this is a major "plus." My 5yo "audited" her big brothers lessons, and that's how she learned to read. They can do a lot together...and they like to teach my 4yo the games.:D I use Recipe for Reading 1-on-1 and go at their individual pace, combining handwriting/phonics/spelling.


I've never used MFW or HOD b/c I think it's simpler to give each dc math and LA at their level, and combining everything possible. For K, I would just add plenty of reading aloud. I don't worry about planning it, or supplementing with activities/projects...I just fill the shelves with good books and read them. They come up with plenty of "hands-on" without my help.;)

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What did you not like about MFW for kindergarten? A friend of mine told me she loved it and was going to show me her curriculum. I have been trying to come up with a curriculum. MFW is a consideration. I have also looked at OPGR or A Beka Phonics with a mixture of SL 3/4 and FIAR for my 4 1/2 and 3 1/2 children.


Anyhow, I was curious what it was about MFW you didn't like.


Michelle - sorry. I just saw your response to Pookamama's question. I don't know how to delete my post. I see now why you didn't like MFW.

Edited by lscamp
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