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I need a vaporizer. Please advise as my hubby is leaving to buy in a few minutes.

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I think you should get the marijuana one. ;) KIDDING! I believe the cool mist ones are recommended over the warm ones. Can your dh talk to a pharmacist? Sometimes I'll just call one to get an opinion.


I'm sorry you're needing one!!!


Beware that cool mist vaporizors really do bring down the temps in the room. At least ours did/does.:grouphug:

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If you have any sort of allergies or asthma, don't get one. They are impossible to get fully clean, even with a strict disinfecting regimen. The vaporizer makes the particles so small that it's very easy to get yucky stuff into your lungs.


:iagree: Our allergist and pulmonologist discourage the use of vaporizers.

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We really like our Holmes Cool Mist vaporizers. They are around 10 years old now and still going strong!


I will have to check with the doctor about not using them with allergies. I've used them for years with the kids, but Schmooey does have asthma. I thought it would help him breathe more easily when he's all stuffed up when he's sick, and I use them for white noise in the kids' rooms in the winter when it's so dry. I had not heard that they were bad for people with asthma and allergies.

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:iagree::iagree:This is what we use as well. We use it almost all winter for our kids as it really helps their eczema. I think having the moisture in the room combats the skin drying effect of the heater.

It was recommended to us from the Ped when our DS had a really bad cold.

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