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What size iPad do you have? Is it enough space?

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Another consideration is, how much needs to be on the iPad at a time? I recently got a 16GB iPhone; before that I had an 8GB iPod Touch. I would periodically "rotate" the music in my iTunes library. Some music I had played a lot and was ready for a break from, I removed from the iPod. No reason to have Christmas music on it all year round.


And movies, which take up a LOT of memory, don't need to stay on there after you've watched them. You can always put them back again if you're going on a trip and want to watch them again.


So if you're willing to shuffle things back and forth, it's possible to live with less memory on the device.




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We have the 64G (dh works for Apple). If possible, I always vote for the most possible memory/storage. The new apps that come out, just like computer programs, will likely use more and more memory and space. Get the biggest you can.



When I was upgrading to better work with photo editing software, this was the advice my professors gave me. Buy as much memory as you can possibly afford.

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I have the 32gb and have already filled it up...but with fiddling when I sync it I have been able to store most of it on my itunes and just add things when I want and now find I have space again. I don't have all my photos just the last 6 months...I only pick a few apps to have on it at a time mostly the ones I have been using recently. I have only 2 audiobooks at a time and only 5 ibooks at a time. I am also planning someday organizing my itunes enough to only have a couple of playlists and not all my songs on there. Mostly this is because my ipad is not my main music source (I have a 1st gen ipod for that) and not my main computer.

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I have the 32g and I only have some of my music on it. We have over 80 gig of music, so when tried to sync the first time, it yelled at me. Lol


I have the same music on it that i had on my 8g iPod touch. I will add more soon, but I love having the space for my apps. I will add photos soon.

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Ours is a 32 (which is actually 29 :glare:).


But I have tons of room left, more than 25 gigs. True I have no music, very few photos, and just a little video on the device.


Tons of apps, a fair number of books, but not a lot of space bogging media. You need to know how you will use yours.



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