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We're home! DS's ekg looked good. Whew, Tamiflu

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Hi everyone,


Thank you for praying! I think that the hive is the miracle working board! Really, I can ask for prayer from my IRL circle and they just don't seem to have the POWER that this board has. When I asked for prayer ds's fever, had gone from 102 - 104 in a matter of a couple of minutes. Unfortunately for ds, his hypothalamus isn't exactly efficient at regulating his body temperature (this tricuspid valve prolapse worsened when he little because of a fever that hit 106.7 and the hospital froze him in cold water and ice and still struggled to get it down even a degree - ear infection/not meningitis for heaven's sake) so we have worries when he gets sick. The interesting thing is that normally it isa bacterial infections that causes this problem. This is viral - or at least that is what the doctor suspects. We are still waiting on some blood work.


But, as soon as I asked for prayer, his fever started coming down and his heart rate dropped. Some would call it a coincidence. I don't! If you had been in my living room observing that child, taking his pulse, etc. you would know it wasn't a coincidence, it was a miracle! PTL


Of course, we loaded him up anyway and thankfully, the doc did not treat me like I had a hole in my head since ds was already feeling significantly better by the time we got there. It may have helped that he woke our ped cardiologist (who will be receiving a batch of ds's 4-H award winning peanut brittle and english toffee once he's up to it) and I'm sure he informed the doc, "This mom knows what she's doing and she's following my orders."


So, he's home, hydrated, fever has broke, tamiflu is the order of the day, and he'll be pampered with all of the attention a grateful mamma can muster.


Thank you everyone! I can't begin to tell you what it means to me to have all of you who will just stop and pray immediately. You are special!



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:hurray: :grouphug: I'm so glad, Faith! :) I know exactly what you mean about the power of prayer on these boards. When my son got sick with the flu in December I was so worried and AS SOON as I put a prayer thread up on here, he made a turn for the better!! One thing I learned is that I won't wait so long before I ask for prayer from these warrior mamas next time! I'm SO glad your boy is on the mend. Praise God! :)

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As soon as I asked for prayer, his fever started coming down and his heart rate dropped. Some would call it a coincidence. I don't! If you had been in my living room observing that child, taking his pulse, etc. you would know it wasn't a coincidence, it was a miracle! PTL



Faith, I'm sorry I missed your original post. I am glad your ds is on the mend!!!


I have to agree with the above. I was SO worried about my dd and once I put it on the board, the improvements were immediate! Truly immediate! She is gaining back the weight which she lost at a surprising rate, too. Up five pounds in two days!!!


Again, so glad your son is getting better!!!

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