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Spanish immersion vacation?

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I'm looking for a 1-3 month trip that would be part immersion learning experience, part vacation for myself and my sons. I'm picturing something where we could live in our own 2 bedroom apartment/bungalow, take language classes or meet with a tutor in the morning, walk to restaurants and the beach. Definitely needs to be totally safe and have internet access for keeping up with relatives at home. I'm thinking maybe Costa Rica? Anyone done something like this or know someone who has?


Also if we did this, I expect my youngest (9) would come home bilingual, and oldest (11) would be nearly there as well. What would be the best way to help them maintain? Continue studying, pen pals, reading books?

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In 2009 my (then) 17 yo son went to Antigua Guatemala for 3 weeks of language school. He went with just a cousin about his age and they stayed in a Boarding house near to, but not related to the school.


It was a wonderful experience for him in every way! He also said it was very beautiful.


My Aunt's family has been going there every few years for the past 10 years. All of her children have reached fluency.

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Also if we did this, I expect my youngest (9) would come home bilingual, and oldest (11) would be nearly there as well. What would be the best way to help them maintain? Continue studying, pen pals, reading books?


I am afraid I can't help as far as programs is concerned. However, I wanted to chime regarding your expectations. Personally I would not expect anybody to come home bilingual just by spending 1 to 3 months in another country, especially if they are staying with two speakers of their mother tongue, unless they were already at least at a late intermediate to early advanced level of proficiency. I don't know what your sons' language levels are, so you might be right in your asessment. I guess it also depends on what you define as bilingual. To keep the gains, other than continuing their study of the language, I would get into the habit of reading in Spanish on a very regular basis, as well as listening to podcasts and such, watching TV programs and movies in Spanish, penpals are also an option.


I will follow this thread with interest. This is something I would also like to do in the future, probably with my youngest. Right now our immersion trips mean visiting my family in Spain, but I would like to add a little geographical variety to them!

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I'm looking for a 1-3 month trip that would be part immersion learning experience, part vacation for myself and my sons. I'm picturing something where we could live in our own 2 bedroom apartment/bungalow, take language classes or meet with a tutor in the morning, walk to restaurants and the beach. Definitely needs to be totally safe and have internet access for keeping up with relatives at home. I'm thinking maybe Costa Rica? Anyone done something like this or know someone who has?


Also if we did this, I expect my youngest (9) would come home bilingual, and oldest (11) would be nearly there as well. What would be the best way to help them maintain? Continue studying, pen pals, reading books?


I don't know but I want to come! :bigear:

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Someone posted about this program in Guatemala a while back, and I bookmarked it. I found it again recently, and am very intrigued. It sounds lovely, and they have tons of glowing reviews from people who have studied there on their website. They do have a family program, as well as individual homestays, along with classes at their school, and the price is very reasonable.


I'm very tempted to figure out how to go there with my girls in another year or so. This sounds like it's in a smaller city than Antigua (place called Quetzaltenango). Does anyone who knows Guatemala want to comment on it - would it be safer or less safe than someplace like Antigua?

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Antigua, Guatemala has lots of programs. I keep daydreaming about bringing my kids there when they're all older. I spent a month in Guatemala before kids and LOVED LOVED LOVED it. :)


Antigua is a great idea, I hadn't considered that one. I will do some searching. Thanks!

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