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Sick 3 year old.....what does the Hive think?

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DD3 woke up in the middle of the night last night throwing up. It's not constantly, but she's probably thrown up 8 times between around 1:30 AM and now, which is 6 PM. She's acting very tired, she's taken several naps today with one of them being long (she never naps otherwise). I wouldn't say she's lethargic, because I view lethargic as where you are too weak to really walk, talk, etc. She's weak but she can walk around if needed. She is choosing to stay laying on the couch though. She's finally keeping down some Sprite over the past 2 hours.


Thing is, now she's running a fever. I just checked it and it is nearly 102. We've never had fevers with a stomach bug. Is this common? We either have fevers/chills/weakness or vomiting/weakness. Never both at the same time. So I'm wondering if both at the same time is common.


One thing I thought about is the fact that yesterday, it was warm enough to pull out the kids water table for them to play in. The hose hadn't been turned on in a while, so who knows what was in it. And I didn't actually clean the water table after it had been sitting all winter, I just hosed it off before filling it up. I caught DD3 drinking from the water table. I told her to stop because it could make her sick. Then she wakes up sick in the middle of the night. :confused: Could it really have made her sick?

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Hmm, well, we always have fevers with stomach bugs, so...


The last time my little guy had the stomach flu, he threw up for about 24 hours--not constantly, but just when we thought he was done---he'd do it again. He had a fever the whole time, about 101, and tried to sleep when he wasn't throwing up. That was a few months before he turned 3.


I understand your concern about the water table, though. That's quite a coincidence. I guess if she's not improved by tomorrow or gets worse, you could always call the Dr.


Sorry I'm not much help!

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I guess I'd give it another day or two and see how she's doing. If she's doing a lot better, then I'd probably decide it was just a stomach bug. If she's still sick, I'd probably take her in and have them run whatever tests they need to check for parasites like giardia. As long as she's not getting too dehydrated, you can probably safely watch for a couple days to see which way she's heading. I hope she bounces back quickly!

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Thanks everyone!


She's drinking and keeping it down now, so that makes me feel better....hasn't thrown up in about 5 hours.


The fever has me puzzled though. It was getting a bit high for my liking, so I went ahead and gave her some Motrin. Now she's up running around with DD6. :001_huh:

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Dehydration can cause a fever, but I don't know if it would be that high. I usually give a teaspoon of gatorade every 15 minutes to my throw up kids and if they keep that down for several hours, I increase the amount to a tablespoon. I don't think I would take her to the pediatrician unless she could keep nothing down. She is lethargic, though, which would concern me a bit...though fever can cause lethargy. Ugh. I'm sorry. I'm no help so here's a :grouphug:.

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Thanks everyone!


She's drinking and keeping it down now, so that makes me feel better....hasn't thrown up in about 5 hours.


The fever has me puzzled though. It was getting a bit high for my liking, so I went ahead and gave her some Motrin. Now she's up running around with DD6. :001_huh:


Great update! Glad she's feeling better!


FTR, my girls ALWAYS run a fever with a stomach bug, and often it is hours after the stomach bug started, just like what you described.

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Happy to hear she's feeling better! Stomach bugs are generally caused by viruses, so a fever is quite common, even quite high (FWIW, I work in pediatrics). Do you have any Pedialyte? It's good she's keeping fluids down; small sips frequently tend to stay down better than bigger amounts. Pedialyte is good because it has all the things in it you lose with vomiting/diarrhea. Sprite is definitely better than plain water, though. Is she peeing OK?


I'd make sure everyone in the house washes their hands well! If she's turned the corner and starts to ask for food, I'd stick to something like saltines for now...


Hope she's feeling better soon!

Edited by pgr
fixed an oops...
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