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I got shot in the foot today and it really hurt.

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Too bad you don't have my doc. My first experience was terrible. 12 years later I had it done again and it was no big deal.

What kind of shot was it? The one I got today (and 2 weeks ago, and 3 weeks from now, and probably more after that) is to deaden the pinched/inflamed nerve in the ball of my foot.


I had a cortisone shot right in the middle of the ball of my foot on my very swollen and tender foot. I kicked the doctor across the room. (It was a reflex, honest!) He told me that if I ever had to have the shot again, he'd have me restrained.

:lol: I have had a cortisone shot in the same place as I mentioned above, but I can't get more for quite a while, as it will weaken and break down the tissues, etc in that area if it's done too often. That's why we're trying this other method. Both types of shots hurt equally, but the cortisone shot gave me 2 months of relief before the pain and inflammation came back. If this doesn't work--she said the area is very inflamed--then I'll have to get a cast to keep all weight off my foot until it heals. That's the second-to-last resort. Last resort is surgery to remove the nerve.


She also gave me a prescription for a gradually reduced dosage steriod.

Edited by gardening momma
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I had a shot in my toe once and it was excruciating. It was to numb me before the doc fixed my ingrown toenail.


Unfortunately, she was training a resident on how to do this procedure, and she said, "Don't cut that way because then the blood will spurt."


I peeked over the top of the magazine I was using to keep from seeing the whole thing and said, "Uhhh....blood and spurting should not be mentioned in front of the patient."

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A shot in the foot is much different than being shot in the foot. I was wondering how in the world you got shot in the foot and thinking someone please take that woman's gun away from her. ;)

I know, but I needed to laugh at it a bit. Wait till my Dr. hears of the abuse I'll put my feet through at the convention next month. :tongue_smilie: Think I can get a Doctor's note for the medical necessity of using a Segway at the convention? :lol: I'd be standing, but at least not walking.

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