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Latin - where to begin!


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Song School Latin and LFC. SSL will be fun for all three kids, and the coloring pages on the website will give the younger ones something to do while the older does Latin. At 3rd grade, your son shouldn't have any trouble with the LfC workbook and will probably enjoy the DVDs/chants-and he can pick up the SSL songs along with the little ones.


If you become a "fan" of Classical Academic Press on facebook, they're planning to give a code for 25% off if they reach their goal, which will be significant for LfC.

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I'm using SSL for my 4 year old right now and we love it. If your oldest is in 3rd grade I would use it as a supplement to something more instructional. SSL is really for getting their toes wet while they are young. I would recommend just getting the workbook and not wasting extra money on the flash cards or teachers guide. It's pretty self explanatory. It has some additional worksheets in it but if you are only supplementing with SSL I would save your money on the extras and apply it to something like Latin For Children.

And someone mentioned the discount they would be offering through Facebook so now is the time.

p.s Check out their website at headventureland.com They have lots of fun videos and free resources that compliment their programs. I am really satisfied with it and can't wait until my daughter is older and we can tackle Latin For Children.

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We're doing SSL now with my 8 and 9 yos. They're zipping along pretty quickly, which I expected. I"m pretty much letting them set the pace, so long as they have the vocab memorized. We're currently working through roughly 3 lessons a week. When we're done with SSL, the plan is to move onto Prima Latina, and then Latina Christiana I and II. After that... not so sure. ;-)

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We started the year off with Minimus, but as I know pretty much nothing of Latin, it just wasn't working. We recently switched to Lively Latin and we both love it. Indy has taken off in Latin! He gets so excited to do it. He's dyslexic, so this is a huge deal for him. I've linked it so you can check it out. The downloadable book (around 400 PAGES!!!!) is only $55 (you can print off what you need) and you have access to all the video and audio lessons. For as much fun as we're having and as much as you get, it's a bargain!

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We have followed TWTM guide for Latin studies. Last year my son, who was an 8 year old 3rd grader, used Prima Latina. Now, we are using Latina Christiana 1.


PL is a great warm-up to LC1. There is just enough memorization to make it fun, but now overwhelming. LC1 has a lot more memorization and translation. PL lays a great foundation for LC1.


I would not be able to do this without the DVDs. They are kind of cheesy at times, but I appreciate someone talking my son (and me!) through the lessons.


Next year we will start First Form Latin. These are all programs from Memoria Press.

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