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Help us name our new (just being born) Classical (Christian) Co-op

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So, I'm trying to think of what to name our new Classical Cooperative.

I'm really excited and want it to sound "great" without being impossible to remember.

My first thought is Irenaeus (Ear-uh- nae-ous) Cooperative Academy. Do you think this is too hard? (ICA)

I want it to be "classical" sounding, and somewhat easy to shorten. I want it to not be too Protestant or Catholic :) I am trying to make it something that anyone can join, although I have a Protestant bent.




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Some popular co-ops we have around here just incorporate the location of your city/area some how to the name.


For example, we have a Columbia Christian Homeschool Cooperative (CCHC) - We're on the Columbia river, and its mostly Christian.


But you could do Peaceful Valley Classical Homeschool Cooperative (using whatever location, mountain, valley, river, etc you live near of course lol)


Or just throwing some fun names out there:


Teaching the Trivium Cooperative School/Academy (TTCS/TTCA)


or just Trivium Cooperative Academy of Learning (TCAL) - T-CAL...kinda cool acronym. :)

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Do those who would love to find a secular classical co-op a favor and put "Christian" in the name, since that is your intention. It saves on confusion.


Except, if you do that, you need to be willing to accept all Christians (including JWs, LDS, Catholics, EO, etc.). ;) If you don't want all Christians, don't use "Christian" and do use something to make it clear the type of Chrisians you want (Protestant, Evangelical, Fundamentalist, Biblical Literalists, etc.).


I liked Peaceful Valley. The first name was a bit intimidating in its pronunciation. :)

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Funny!! Well Jessica, I could steal your user name :) I like Trivium Academy, too :)

Iranaeus is for the man who wrote 2 volumes about heresies. He's admired by Catholics and Protestants, alike, and lived in Gaul/France.

Academy, I chose, because of Socrates' Academy :) I actually wanted something like Plato's Academy or Socrates' Academy, but don't want Christians to freak out and think I want to make their children something other than Christians. I've heard the Christians who are scared of Classical too often.

As far as Christian, yup, that's what I want for teachers and Board, but it doesn't have to be leave out families who are comfortable with my beliefs. (kinda like I could join the Secular knowing that Micro Evolution would be taught as fact.) If I wanted to do that, and explain to my kids at home... that would be welcomed.

Since Irenaeus was a Christian, I thought that would help make it obvious without being in the name.

Hmmmm... I'll keep looking :)

Thanks for more ideas!!

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I like it. Inclusive but still speaks to definite values. You could have a tag line that indicates the staff is Christian but everyone is welcome.

"With humble instruction from a distinctly Bible believing Staff"


Humble with Integrity. Are you getting the gist here? :) Yup, we could do it! it would only take you 15 minutes to get over here ;)

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"With humble instruction from a distinctly Bible believing Staff"


Humble with Integrity. Are you getting the gist here? :) Yup, we could do it! it would only take you 15 minutes to get over here ;)


"Bible believing" is still vague. Does that mean no pants on women? YEC? I believe in the Bible, but I do not accept the Nicene Creed, nor do I believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis. Just pointing these things out so that people know exactly what this co-op is about. :)

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Yup... that's why you have to just offer your statement of faith. Yes, I believe in things you don't, but... I'd just have to talk with you and explain what the purpose of the group is (to educate) and what it's not (to make others feel inferior) and see if it's what you want. No pants on women?? I'm fine with slacks or whatever on women, but don't wanna see my skirts on my husband ;)

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The Cooperative Classical Academy has a nice ring to it. Integrity Cooperative sounds like you're trying to hard to convince others that you have integrity, speaking from a marketing point of view.


Elenchus (Greek: ἔλεγχος elengkhos "argument of disproof or refutation; cross-examining, testing, scrutiny esp. for purposes of refutation"[4]) is the central technique of the Socratic method. The Latin form elenchus (plural elenchi ) is used in English as the technical philosophical term.[5]

"If you ask a question or series of questions in which your respondent can readily agree, then ask a concluding question based on those agreements, you will receive a desirable response".[citation needed]

In Plato's early dialogues, the elenchus is the technique Socrates uses to investigate, for example, the nature or definition of ethical concepts such as justice or virtue. According to one general characterization,[6] it has the following steps:


  1. Socrates' interlocutor asserts a thesis, for example "Courage is endurance of the soul", which Socrates considers false and targets for refutation.
  2. Socrates secures his interlocutor's agreement to further premises, for example "Courage is a fine thing" and "Ignorant endurance is not a fine thing".
  3. Socrates then argues, and the interlocutor agrees, that these further premises imply the contrary of the original thesis, in this case it leads to: "courage is not endurance of the soul".
  4. Socrates then claims that he has shown that his interlocutor's thesis is false and that its negation is true.

One elenctic examination can lead to a new, more refined, examination of the concept being considered, in this case it invites an examination of the claim: "Courage is wise endurance of the soul". Most Socratic inquiries consist of a series of elenchi and typically end in aporia.

Frede[7] insists that step #4 above makes nonsense of the aporetic nature of the early dialogues. If any claim has been shown to be true then it cannot be the case that the interlocutors are in aporia, a state where they no longer know what to say about the subject under discussion.

The exact nature of the elenchus is subject to a great deal of debate, in particular concerning whether it is a positive method, leading to knowledge, or a negative method used solely to refute false claims to knowledge.

According to W. K. C. Guthrie's The Greek Philosophers, while sometimes erroneously believed to be a method by which one seeks the answer to a problem, or knowledge, the Socratic method was actually intended to demonstrate one's ignorance. Socrates, unlike the Sophists, did believe that knowledge was possible, but believed that the first step to knowledge was recognition of one's ignorance. Guthrie writes, "[socrates] was accustomed to say that he did not himself know anything, and that the only way in which he was wiser than other men was that he was conscious of his own ignorance, while they were not. The essence of the Socratic method is to convince the interlocutor that whereas he thought he knew something, in fact he does not. The unexamined life is not worth living


Socrates developed this elenchus as a "means to examine,


The Elenchus Academy of Cooperative Learning (pronounced E-lench-us)

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I am a Christian and have no clue who Irenaeus is. :001_huh:


Congrats on your new adventure! How fun! Wish I lived closer. I am trying to get a co-op for science and history going here. I have a meet up group that meets weekly and we do some enrichment stuff, but no real classes offered yet.

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The Cooperative Classical Academy has a nice ring to it. Integrity Cooperative sounds like you're trying to hard to convince others that you have integrity, speaking from a marketing point of view.


Thanks for your thoughts!!!! Hmmm... I'm trying to think of something that could carry through to a cottage school later. It's hard to come up with a name:) BUT... oh so fun!!


Trivium Academy,

A cooperative where parents and teachers lead together.


or something.


My dream would be to have a school that combines hybrid "home education" with private education and and allows parents to choose part to full time.


I've seen it work on websites :) I don't want to be under NAUMS, don't need to make more $$$ than to just send my one son.... and don't want to answer to anyone higher than the board I hope to be on... and the church where we meet.


How many students would be a good start? And, how many would I want to aim for? Questions, Questions!!!


I'm just praying for it to all come together.


BTW, I do have integrity and want to put that forth, but wouldn't want it to look like I'm begging for that to be recognized :)

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I am a Christian and have no clue who Irenaeus is. :001_huh:


Congrats on your new adventure! How fun! Wish I lived closer. I am trying to get a co-op for science and history going here. I have a meet up group that meets weekly and we do some enrichment stuff, but no real classes offered yet.


Guess that's what I get for asking my dad, who has a Doctorate in Theology, what to name it. :D


I wanted a good.... not Catholic... not Protestant (or recognized by both) name :)


I wish you lived closer, too!!! If you're on here, you gotta be good, right?? :)


I just don't want anything that's around here to be confused... like "Veritas Academy" of which there are now two.... within an hr... and totally different :)


Hmmmm... I loved naming my kids... and now this is the next fun name for me :)

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I tried so hard to be clever when I named our homeschool. Ended up going with My Redeemer Family Academy. :) Said we were Christian. Not to specific about our beliefs and flexible enough to cover CM, Classical or whatever else I felt like pulling in. :D


Our meet up group is all inclusive and named Learning Without Limits. :)

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So, I could steal it, Our Redeemer Cooperative Academy. Might people who aren't Lutheran be scared? Would Methodist believe we have the same Redeemer? Would Reformed come feeling like I am, or not because I might not be? Would Academy scare people off thinking that I wanted to make their children not believe in God?


Hmmmm..... I'm just joking around in my own head... which is a bit like Jello at this point. :)


Hmmmm.... maybe my dad's first thought of "Academy" would be good....


But.... I like Trivium Academy, too :)


I understand what you mean... AngelBee :) about being just specific enough.... without being too specific :)


Thinking...Thinking... well... trying to think :)



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So, I could steal it, Our Redeemer Cooperative Academy. Might people who aren't Lutheran be scared? Would Methodist believe we have the same Redeemer? Would Reformed come feeling like I am, or not because I might not be? Would Academy scare people off thinking that I wanted to make their children not believe in God?


Hmmmm..... I'm just joking around in my own head... which is a bit like Jello at this point. :)


Hmmmm.... maybe my dad's first thought of "Academy" would be good....


But.... I like Trivium Academy, too :)


I understand what you mean... AngelBee :) about being just specific enough.... without being too specific :)


Thinking...Thinking... well... trying to think :)



I have a newborn on my lap and 6 other kids running around! I totally get the "Jello head" reference! :D

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Maybe a fairly generic descriptive name for the co-op and a more esoteric motto?


ETA: What information would you like to convey to prospective co-op members or to the people to whom you might want to address letters of reference? I had positive feedback from parents and students in our co-op who asked me for letters of reference. I used the letterhead and progress report template that I'd designed.

Edited by Martha in NM
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So, I could steal it, Our Redeemer Cooperative Academy. Might people who aren't Lutheran be scared? Would Methodist believe we have the same Redeemer? Would Reformed come feeling like I am, or not because I might not be? Would Academy scare people off thinking that I wanted to make their children not believe in God?

Baptists and those coming from non-denom Bible churches (the latter is my background and the former is where I attend now) would not have a problem with "My Redeemer."


But "Academy" makes me think "school," so I'd be scared off by that. ;)

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Baptists and those coming from non-denom Bible churches (the latter is my background and the former is where I attend now) would not have a problem with "My Redeemer."


But "Academy" makes me think "school," so I'd be scared off by that. ;)

Ok...how about My Redeemer Homeschooling Cooperative :D

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How about Antioch Classical Academy or Antioch Classical Cooperative?


Admittedly the first thing that popped into my head was Classy Christians. lol


How about CCC - Classical Christian Cooperative?


Or CTTC - Christians Teaching Together Classically?


Or you could take a name and put it into Latin to get the idea of classical education.

I don't think either of these are it, but to give an example:


Christians Educating Together - Christiani Una Educandi

Christians Learning Together - Christiani Doctrina Simul


Here's some I like better:


United Christians Academy - Christiani Uniuntur Academia - CUA


United Christian Cooperative - Christiani Uniuntur Cooperantem - CUC


BTW my Latin is hugely rusty, so all the translations are Google's and should be checked. lol And none of those are easy for anyone to say, so others are definitely better. I'm just having some fun with this. : D

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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