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Great Courses - samples?

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I'm shocked. I get a couple of DVD's each year, not with every catalog, but maybe every-other one. I bet they would send one if you requested it.


I did find a lot of them in my library recently when someone posted that they searched with "Teaching Company" as the author.

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Have you purchased from them? I wonder if they are just for folks who've never purchased & need to "experience" a lecture? Just wondering if there's a pattern to who gets samples.


As for the library, I think it's great for sampling, but it's hard for me to actually use. I have to reserve one video at a time, and I never find the booklets with the summaries/outlines, which I like having because I'm a reader more than a watcher.



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Have you purchased from them? I wonder if they are just for folks who've never purchased & need to "experience" a lecture? Just wondering if there's a pattern to who gets samples.


As for the library, I think it's great for sampling, but it's hard for me to actually use. I have to reserve one video at a time, and I never find the booklets with the summaries/outlines, which I like having because I'm a reader more than a watcher.




No, I haven't bought anything from them, so that isn't it. I have been using the library to preview a few options too. I have to check out one DVD at a time too, but they do have the booklets with them.

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I get catalogs, but I don't get sample DVD's :001_huh: Did you do anything special?


I am able to use our library so I have not had the need to buy, yet. Although there is a music theory set with Prof Greene that I would love to get because our library does not carry it. It's on sale right now, but just not in the budget at this time. :sad:

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You can have some of mine?! I get like 3 a week I think. I'd rather they saved some of the costs...




Well that would get annoying.


I just need one to look carefully at, drool over, mark up, and then have my husband tell me I can't buy them yet. He seems to think that since the library has some, that should be good enough. :glare:


Ah well... maybe I'll stick to the emails. I don't want a slew of catalogs (although the idea of samples... envious).

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There's an ad in the current issue of Cooking Light, towards the back. The have four different ones that look like they're on sale for just $9.95.


Could you please tell us which ones they have? I have listened this sample and I think I would enjoy her series on Nutrition Made Clear. Now you have my curiosity piqued.

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I've not purchased yet and don't get samples. :confused: I haven't even gotten a sale e-mail for a while and my info is correct. :glare:


It may be a good thing, Paula. I suspect you would really enjoy them, but sometimes I have to ask myself with just one child left to educate, "What are you thinking, woman - $130 for 6 DVDs- on sale!"

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I, too, get LOTS of catalogs. They're great references, though: glossy pages with syllabi of really great courses (no pun.) I have made one purchase from the company, once when there were multiple coupons and free shipping. Ever since, I've tried to find them on used sites, or Craigslist. Buying off Craigslist is risky, but I did just get the "Physics in Your Life" DVD course for $22. including shipping. Pretty good score. I don't mind VHS, either. I've gotten a couple free, short courses in e-mail, too. One was about the origin of Christmas Carols, I think I remember. It may have just been one video, like a 30 minute one.


It would be nice to see samples, but I do read all the comments I can find on the Great Course site, Amazon and homeschool sites, before I purchase one. Taking all with a grain of salt, you know. Anyhow, I have never, ever received a free DVD, but relied on comments of other homeschoolers, hoping I could match what my kid would learn from.


They are the nicest people in the world, to call. Be careful what you wish for on the catalogues....they're as plentiful as Land's End or LL Bean, once they get started!



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