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Addressing envelopes to family

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For those who have kids who send letters... How do they address the envelope for close family? For instance: Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt and Uncles? Do they use Grandma/Grandpa LastName? First/LastName? Mr. and Mrs. LastName?


My 7yo daughter has just started writing letters. For her thank you cards, I had her address them more formally, but now I wonder about everyday correspondance with close family?

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Thanks for the replies! I was leaning toward the formal on the envelope and I think that all, aside from one, have been addressed to Mr. And Mrs. LastName. I have not had her write in the first name, but we can add that as well. I just was not sure if it was too formal.


The letter writing is just for her to practice writing more and allow her to correspond with family. It is not tied in with any of her studies.

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Thanks for the replies! I was leaning toward the formal on the envelope and I think that all, aside from one, have been addressed to Mr. And Mrs. LastName. I have not had her write in the first name, but we can add that as well. I just was not sure if it was too formal.


The letter writing is just for her to practice writing more and allow her to correspond with family. It is not tied in with any of her studies.

I don't think there's such a thing as "too formal" on the envelope. :-)

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It seems to depend. For my oldest, who is not allergic to her pencil ;), she typically addresses with first and last name. For my middle dd who hates her pencil, she uses the last name only unless it is for a particular person within the same household. I think as a rule, etiquette would depend on how close you are to the addressee.

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On the envelope/package:


Adults: Mr. and Mrs., Mrs., Ms, Dr., Major, etc. no matter what is in the envelope. However we are NOT Mr./Mrs./Miss first name or last name people in person.


Kids: Usually Master/Miss This is for thank yous, birthday and event type cards and packages.


For casual notes to his friend (he has one friend that they regularly send each other 'super secret spy guy' notes back and forth) we just address it to the friend's first and last name.


Notes inside start with any of the following: Grandma, Honey, Papa, Dude!, Cuz, Aunt/Uncle so and so, even occassionally Anut so and so (started as a misspelling and evolved into a joke - but it certainly does fit some of the aunts, or nuts in this case.)

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