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if your kid is excited about your termite infestation, because last week's science lesson was on social insects.



My dd was tickled when dh pulled back the drywall and found termites everywhere. (Did you know that TN has 5-6 termite colonies per acre?) Learned that from Mr. Terminix this morning.


Dd was the only one happy about it though.

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YUCKO on your situation, at least ours wasn't going to cost us any money.


When you're emptying your garden grow boxes and the kids find some weird looking woven cocoon,scream with excitement, run into the house to get a baggie to put it in, and ask when can they dissect it and check it out with the microscope.

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My kids were fascinated by our bedbugs and followed Ninja Bug Guy around the house searching for them every time he can for a follow up inspection.


Ninja Bug Guy was so tickled that the kids were interested in bug hunting that he brought them the tail of a flying squirrel on his last inspection. (Sometimes I feel like I live in Hicksville, USA.)

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mine were like that with head lice, they sat there in front of the microscope while I fine combed their hair. That is how we discovered the conditioner treatment doesn't kill the lice, but just renders them unconscious, and we also discovered they can jump off a microscope slide and travel about 30 cm.

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