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Can any one recommend a Bible Study for mom?

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There are a couple resources that are of good quality.


You might check the Bible Study Fellowship or the Community Bible Study websites to see if there is a group meeting in your area. They both have really high quality, meaty Bible studies and both do try hard to be inclusive of any and all denominations.


For home study, I can recommend NavPress study guides. They are a little thicker than many of the others out there, and include more notes.


You might also look at the materials published by Precepts.


Finally, an organization called Explorer's grew as an offshoot out of BSF. Their materials are similar to what BSF offers. The difference is that you do not have to go to a meeting for Explorer's--you can just buy the materials and do them on your own. The adult studies are kind of pricey, but the high school level studies are virtually identical to the adult studies. You can work through a high school level study on your own--they are certainly meaty enough for adults, and very thorough and well written.

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It might help if we know your faith backround.

I like the Beth Moore stuff, and I'm Episcopalian (on the conservative side of a liberal denomination).

Her studies are video-supplemented, and you can find a group via her Living Proof website. I particularly liked David, Esther (currently doing that one and it's great--good for a beginner or someone with experience), Breaking Free, and A Woman's Heart (about the Tabernacle--very meaty).

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I am liking this. It's a study that goes verse by verse through the book of James. I'm doing this on my own, but our church has been going through the book of James in the Sunday morning service. The Amazon reviews, especially the first one, give a good overview of what the study guide is like.


P.S. Just so you know -- I grew up Presbyterian (Dad was ordained in the PCA). Dh grew up Conservative Baptist. We go to a non-denominational community Bible church.

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There are a couple resources that are of good quality.


You might check the Bible Study Fellowship or the Community Bible Study websites to see if there is a group meeting in your area. They both have really high quality, meaty Bible studies and both do try hard to be inclusive of any and all denominations.


For home study, I can recommend NavPress study guides. They are a little thicker than many of the others out there, and include more notes.


You might also look at the materials published by Precepts.


I totally agree. I love Kay Arthur - the inductive method rocks.

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I agree with pp about Community Bible Study...it's a once a week 2 hour study that covers a book or books of the bible in depth over a 2 semester period. It's a great way to gain bible knowledge and meet other moms in the process! Many have homeschool programs as well where the kids meet and have a study at the same time the moms do. I'm so glad I found it 4 years ago!

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I did a search for the community Bible Study, and there are none in my area.


Thank you for the recommendations, I'm still considering everything. There is a BSF nearby. I'm going to contact the coordinator to learn more about it.


I've found a few sites that I'm intrigued, some from the shared links, thank you!


I found one that I loved. They do an online study for free. It is designed for it to be in groups, but it started already, so I'll go independently and join a group next round.


So there is a good start :) I really like all the video clips, the blog. So I am going to go with that a little and explore and grow my faith! I'm looking forward to it.


You know when I started homeschooling last year. I was going for secular, but some where along the road, the path I followed has led me closer and closer to God, wanting to learn more, be more. It started out simply by finding something to help me be sure my kids learned about God and the Bible, and now I hunger for it personally. It started by having to find a way to explain a some verses here. A concept there. Seeing a great video clip, or a Christian song that reached out to me. A book that had me in tears. A chapter in the Bible that spoke to me, like it was written to me. A conference that is being held literally 5 minutes away.


He's speaking to me.


I didn't expect that, but that need has grown, and grown. So I'm embracing it.

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I have been reading this book: One thousand Gifts, by Anne Voskamp. I can't say enough about it...it's truly wonderful. You can go to the website, http://www.incourage.com, and click on the book club link and then see some blog posts they put up, including a video talk with the author for each chapter. I've been spreading the word about this book because it has struck a chord with me. several people I've told have gotten back to me saying that God has Really been talking to them through this as well. The challenge of this book is to write one thousand gifts in your life, big or small. But there's more to it than that. I've been writing a bit about it on my blog as well, although I am behind now by two chapter's writing-wise. Hth!

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Are you looking for something more devotional/application or something that will teach you the basics of the Bible--the who, what, where, when, why, etc? A good Bible study will do both but they tend to have a focus towards one or the other.


I like the Explorer's Bible Study and that is very good at teaching you the scriptures.

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