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Online classes....more than one school?

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I'm trying to make my decision to take advantage of the Feb. 22 deadline for earlybird registration at Landry Academy, so I'd love your thoughts on a couple things.


I'm considering some classes at Landry and some at TPS and possibly 1 at Oxford Tutorials. Do you think it would be confusing for me or ds to be working with 2-3 online schools?


So here's what we are thinking of taking at Landry:


Pre Anatomy & physiology 1 semester fall

Pre Chemistry 1 semester spring


Bible Survey


Maybe the World History year long


Then for TPS


Runkles World Geography


Maybe the MOH 2 course instead of the Landry history


And the Bible/logic one looked good too instead of Landrys.


Then we were looking to take the Tolkien/Lewis lit class at Oxford Tutorials.


What to do?? The thing I love about Landrys is that they do all the grading and testing,etc. TPS looks like they want more parent involvement for some classes. I'm doing this so I can do less not more. I need help!


Is this too scattered? Of will it even matter. I think I'm afraid to put all my eggs in one basket and want the ability to pick and choose the best.


I'd love advice or reviews from anyone with experience with any of these online schools. Thanks!


(btw...ds will be in 8th grade, but I thought the high school board might have more answers on this)

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Firstly doing online classes with more than one provider isn't unusual at all. I've used several all along emloying a variety of formats: online class time, message boards and more traditional distance learning. The biggest negatives are:


1. breaks seldom coincide

2. paying multiple registration fees

3. having to contact multiple providers for transcripts for college applications


That being said, if you haven't tried online classes for your dd I'd really recommend that you choose maybe one or two. Sitting is front of a screen all day isn't much fun.




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#3 on Moiras list is a big consideration. Having all your eggs in one basket , looks good on a transcript. I am guessing.


Both my kids went to online high schools, but I stuck w/one. I did do outside classes for things not offered and in the end it was a pain getting transcripts from one place to another.


Minimize baskets and make sure the one handling the papers are on their game. Sometimes you have to pay a fee , as in diploma programs.

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I second everything that Moira said, but especially and emphatically this:


That being said, if you haven't tried online classes for your dd I'd really recommend that you choose maybe one or two. Sitting is front of a screen all day isn't much fun.


My dc are usually maxed out at 2 online classes. Actually, dd could probably do more (though she wouldn't call it her optimum experience), but my boys especially have needed more IRL academic stimulation. It's hard though when there is such a full buffet of choice classes out there!



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That being said, if you haven't tried online classes for your dd I'd really recommend that you choose maybe one or two. Sitting is front of a screen all day isn't much fun.





I wholeheartedly agree with Moira. Think long and hard about enrolling your child in more than one or possibly two online classes if your student is new to them--especially if they are classes that have online lecture time. Next year, for 9th grade, we're planning to use online providers for foreign language only. For us, we've learned that less is definitely more when it comes to online classes.

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