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This boy thing might make me crazy!

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And yes, I do mean the boy "thing". My 21 mo ds WILL NOT keep his hands out of his diaper. So then he pulls things all wonky and urinates out the top of his diaper. ARGH! Duct tape is looking better and better!


The things no one warns you about when you have a boy!

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Fun, isn't it? My favorite is when my older boys (5yo, 6yo, etc.) walk around "holding themselves" like they have to go to the bathroom. When I ask them if they do have to go, they say "no". So, I ask dh: "Is this a boy thing? Are they afraid it's going to fall off if they don't keep one hand on it at all times?". :lol: Dh just laughs.

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I have a 2 1/2 year old and we had the same problem. I know this may be TMI but when I changed his diaper I would tell him now was the time he could "say hi" to IT. I let him have his time, then he would have to say "goodbye" to IT and he could visit IT again next diaper change. This actually did work, he stopped doing it all the time and only would visit at diaper changes.


I have totally outed myself as a wacko. I know.

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I have a 2 1/2 year old and we had the same problem. I know this may be TMI but when I changed his diaper I would tell him now was the time he could "say hi" to IT. I let him have his time, then he would have to say "goodbye" to IT and he could visit IT again next diaper change. This actually did work, he stopped doing it all the time and only would visit at diaper changes.


I have totally outed myself as a wacko. I know.




Thank you for that much needed laugh! THAT is just too funny. IT really is like a separate "person" to them, isn't IT? :lol:

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Oh, thank you. Thank you. I grew up in a very private all girl household (except for Dad, of course). Having 3 little boys is so far out of, well, my range of experience. :)


I will have to use this one.


And thank you for the laugh. Not a 'you're a wacko' sort of laugh. More like 'oh, hallelujia, someone else understands' sort of laugh.

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I have a 2 1/2 year old and we had the same problem. I know this may be TMI but when I changed his diaper I would tell him now was the time he could "say hi" to IT. I let him have his time, then he would have to say "goodbye" to IT and he could visit IT again next diaper change. This actually did work, he stopped doing it all the time and only would visit at diaper changes.


I have totally outed myself as a wacko. I know.



Actually, I think you're a genius! We have a few minutes of nakey time with each diaper change too.

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a dear, older-generation friend told me that one hot summer afternoon she looked out in the back yard to see her 5 yo little boy and the neighbor boy chasing each other around, trying to pee on each other "to see if it would cool them off."


She never mentioned it to them again, until one day when her son was grown and he said something at a family gathering about the ridiculous thing one of his own children did. She chose that moment to remind him, after all those many years, of what he and the neighbor kid had tried. :smilielol5:

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And yes, I do mean the boy "thing". My 21 mo ds WILL NOT keep his hands out of his diaper. So then he pulls things all wonky and urinates out the top of his diaper. ARGH! Duct tape is looking better and better!


The things no one warns you about when you have a boy!


I've always said to my boys "Don't play with your firehose; it's not polite". Why it's called a firehose around here is another story for another day.


On a Sunday morning, one of my lovely boys had to go potty. He was in the 2-3 year old class at the time (it has had the same wonderful teacher and her helper husband for at least a decade). The husband took my lovely son to the potty, and on the walk there my lovely son told him "Mommy says I'm not supposed to play with my firehose. It's not polite". I thought this poor man would die from laughing when his wife told me about it, but he was able to keep a straight face for my ds.

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I have little guy (he's 3) and he does the same thing. I have to ask ya'll though, why do you use a nick name rather than calling the penis a penis?


I had a class in college and on the first day, the teacher had us fill the blackboard with slang-terms for our sexual anatomy and then we did the wave to "Penis!" "Vagina!" The purpose was to get the giggles out so we could proceed the rest of the term to discuss w/o interruption.


I've been teaching my kiddos the scientific terms since they were little and in my opinion it just helps them be more comfortable with their bodies and more able to talk when the time comes.


I'm a newbie to these threads and I am not trying to anger anyone... I'm just curious why .... again, my approach works for us and the above statement is my opinion.

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I have little guy (he's 3) and he does the same thing. I have to ask ya'll though, why do you use a nick name rather than calling the penis a penis?


I had a class in college and on the first day, the teacher had us fill the blackboard with slang-terms for our sexual anatomy and then we did the wave to "Penis!" "Vagina!" The purpose was to get the giggles out so we could proceed the rest of the term to discuss w/o interruption.


I've been teaching my kiddos the scientific terms since they were little and in my opinion it just helps them be more comfortable with their bodies and more able to talk when the time comes.


I'm a newbie to these threads and I am not trying to anger anyone... I'm just curious why .... again, my approach works for us and the above statement is my opinion.


They know the technical term as well, and we've had no problems with any discussions so far (with the oldest 2) :001_smile:.


We started calling it a firehose when my oldest was a baby and we were trying to clear up a rash by leaving his diaper off. Dh was seriously impressed when ds went potty while laying on his back on the living room floor and cleared the coffee table and loveseat to hit on the other side. He said he could put out fires, so we started calling it a firehose and it stuck.


Of course, this presented it's own problem when we took the boys to the fire station and the fireman was pointing out the firehose on the truck and one of my toddler/preschool sons proudly announced "I have a firehose, too".

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Well, I have two boys and I had grown accustomed to this and, like someone else said my husband always said, "leave him alone, its his":glare:

Now however, I have a duaghter, and guess what, she wants to go in her room, shut the door, and ... well,,, check things out? ya, awkward. Shes only 6 so its way too early for the "discussion" and I am without words.

Ya, the unpublished joys of parenting

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My fav. story about correct terms for parts from an interview I saw with Andie McDowell(actress):

She said that she was all for the right name for the right part and always looked down on those who used cutesy names. UNTIL.... She put her very young dd in a grocery cart one day and apparently the girl wasn't 'situated' well and started screaming "MY V#&@ HURTS" over and over. She said that totally cured her and she came up with the cutest names possible for the parts.

I just like the story.

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At least I'm laughing now instead of just being irritated!


I always say someone should write a book of all the things no one ever tells you. For example, everyone always says if you can survive the twos you can survive anything. That is a BIG FAT LIE! Three is much harder than two. THEN they turn four. Five and six lull you into thinking you can do it, then they turn SEVEN!!!!! At least I'm prepped for the idea that I'll never know what I'm doing til I'm done!

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I have little guy (he's 3) and he does the same thing. I have to ask ya'll though, why do you use a nick name rather than calling the penis a penis?


I had a class in college and on the first day, the teacher had us fill the blackboard with slang-terms for our sexual anatomy and then we did the wave to "Penis!" "Vagina!" The purpose was to get the giggles out so we could proceed the rest of the term to discuss w/o interruption.


I've been teaching my kiddos the scientific terms since they were little and in my opinion it just helps them be more comfortable with their bodies and more able to talk when the time comes.


I'm a newbie to these threads and I am not trying to anger anyone... I'm just curious why .... again, my approach works for us and the above statement is my opinion.



We do use the proper names, but we also call it slang terms. Our ped calls it a weiner, so I figure it's okay. ;)


ETA: Wait, did I just misspell wiener???

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