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Anyone take Metformin?

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My doctor has decided I should try Metformin for my PCOS related hair loss. I've read lots and lots about it but I'd love to hear from real people. How bad is the nausea? Will this increase my fertility? What other symptoms should this help? How long can I safely take this (is it something I'll take until XYZ or is this a lifetime drug)? Give me the good, bad and ugly!

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My oldest tried it and could not adjust to it. She felt sick ALL THE TIME.


My middle DD is on it now and determined to stick it out. She went down to a very low dose and gradually increased. She is still struggling to feel well. She's going back to the OB-Gyn to discuss it soon.


Both my girls have serious PCOS.

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Briefly - yes, I believe you can take this for life (I was going to, but for some reason my endocrinologist decided I didn't need it - long story).


- yes, it may increase your fertility. I took metformin for this specific purpose. Five of my six kids were conceived thanks, at least in part, to metformin ;).


- digestive symptoms (usually more diarrhea than nausea) decrease after your body gets used to it. Begin on the lowest dose and increase dose gradually (say, 500 mg per day for a few days to a week, then up to 1000 mg, then up to 1500 mg).


- The extended release version (metformin ER, Glucophage XR) typically has FAR less digestive side effects than the regular version. The regular version should be taken with meals or at least a glass of milk.


- digestive symtoms are easier if you avoid excessive sugar. It often seemed to me that metformin sort of forces you to eat a more balanced diet (fewer carbs, more protein/fat)


- avoid alcohol while on metformin - I forgot why; I think it's too hard on the liver.

Edited by wapiti
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I take Metformin for my PCOS.


Yes metformin can both regulate your cycle and increase fertility.

I can thank metformin for my second son.


Yes there are side effects but they go away after a week or two


I have not noticed any benifit in terms of hair loss.

good luck

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I had to take a low dose at fist and build up to how much my doctor wanted me to take. I also have PCOS and am diabetic. I take 4 500 mg pills a day now with no problems.


This is how I did it too. I have PCOS and Insulin Resistance. I am on the same dosage. I upped my dosages every 2 weeks. I did have tummy problems for the first few weeks...but nothing now.



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