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Can I nail my chairs to the floor? *rhetorical ranting*

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My twin nephews are evidently becoming very proficient at using drawers as ladders--dresser drawers, kitchen drawers, bathroom drawers. My poor sister is going bonkers trying to keep them out of things.


It's almost enough to make me happy about my fertility issues. Almost. ;)


Hug 'em a lot and remember that this too shall pass.

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Just sympathy for now, but on the plus side, I can almost guarantee he will be a more-competent-than-average preschooler - he will be keen to do it himself, and will be ready to attempt tasks that other children expect parents to do for them.


Practically - I agree with moving the chairs out of reach and getting a footstool. You'll just have to accept that he wants to be part of everything, and focus on the positives in that! When I wash the floors I put the chairs upside down on top of the table, seat to to tabletop. This will work if you don't need the table during the day. Or hang them on the wall, Shaker-style. Or replace some of the chairs with benches for now.


All of these options seem annoying, but if it reduces your stress levels, it's worth it! I had to move ds's bookshelf from the family/playroom to my bedroom, because everytime he walked past he knocked them to the floor. And I had to remove all loose cushions because by the 20th time I'd pick them up each day I was having overwhelming urges to use them to smother someone. You can only work on solving the root problem for so long before you just need to find a practical work-around!




P.S. Ds is now 4yrs, and we have two cushions on the couch, and although they still end up on the floor more often than not, he now picks them up when asked. The books live safely on the bookshelf in the playroom. And he helps himself to breakfast, water and sometimes luncg by pushing a chair into place!

Edited by nd293
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Some people here probably remember the first time I found my son on top ofthe fridge



I thought it was bad when I found my 16 month old standing on top of my laptop on top of my desk the other day!!!!


My 16 mo. old carries the step stool around and uses it to feel around on the counter tops, see what is in drawers, etc. They really are amazing little people. It is a stage that infuriates and melts your heart simultaneously . . .

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We also got a stepstool for ds when he was that age. I figured it was better than him using the drawers to climb (that was his favorite way of getting up to counter height to see what was going on pre-stepstool) and since I'm short it was handy for me too. In fact, we still have it and it is mostly mine now.

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Is the kitchen large enough that you could give him his own area? Maybe one of those play kitchens could go there with plenty of measuring things and bowls and all to keep him busy.


He sounds strong!!! :lol:


Oooh - maybe keep a pizza dough in the fridge for him to do his own kneading, unless if he'd be likely to eat it ... Yeah, nevermind. :tongue_smilie:

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