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Any of you girls going to the convention in Memphis March 3-5th?!


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I sooooo want to go! I'm going to talk to dh about it tonight. He HATES me being gone even overnight and then there is what to do with the kids while I'm gone. I would only go Fri and Sat though because I couldn't be away for 3 days and couldn't afford the hotel for 2 nights. I'm babbling...hopefully I might see some of you there. Is there a WTM pin or something we can wear to recognize each other?:tongue_smilie:

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I'll be there. It's a 3 hour drive for me from Southern Illinois, but my two best girlfriends and I are going. Who'd a thought three 40-somethings would be so excited about a ROAD TRIP?!?!?!?!?


By the way, we have 21 children between us-- our husbands might get together with all the kids while we are gone. That should be interesting. :D

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I am going with two of my closest girlfriends, too, and we CANNOT WAIT!!! It is funny, but I just got back from a week in Hawaii with my husband - which was lovely! - but I was looking forward to the Memphis/convention trip at least as much as I was to Hawaii. :001_smile:

Meeting up would be great! Saturday lunch works. Now we just need to pick a spot to meet - any suggestions?!

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I sooooo want to go! I'm going to talk to dh about it tonight. He HATES me being gone even overnight and then there is what to do with the kids while I'm gone. I would only go Fri and Sat though because I couldn't be away for 3 days and couldn't afford the hotel for 2 nights. I'm babbling...hopefully I might see some of you there. Is there a WTM pin or something we can wear to recognize each other?:tongue_smilie:



Maybe we could all wear a red carnation! :lol:


A blind date with people we've talked to forever! I love it!

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Well, I'm assuming that most, if not all, of us will be in the 11:30 to 12:30 workshop on Saturday SWB is doing on writing :001_smile: maybe we should hang around after the end and meet each other there. I'm not sure about a good place to do lunch, though...


I think this sounds like a great idea. I'm sure some of us will have some ideas about where to eat after we've been there a couple of days.


Can't wait to meet y'all!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going!!!


I think.


My friend who's watching my kids has been sick so I am still on the wait-and-see list... but I am still super excited. I think I can still definitely make it for shopping Saturday - worst case - or take the kids with me on Friday. Is there a meet-up planned?


Who else is finalizing their "must look at in person before leaving the convention" list this week?!? What's on your list??

Edited by Kayaking Mom
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