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Am I paranoid?

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I am crazy about puke. I hate it. I freak out when the kids puke and it literally makes me nuts.


So anyways..we had the 9 day stomach flu at Thanksgiving. One kid went down every 2 days and then the first kid got it again. My DH got it, I didnt.


SO.. the same DS that got it first at Thanksgiving got it again 2 days ago.Today he is fine. So far everyone else is OK. 4 days prior to this he had a 2 day fever.


I am supposed to go visit family 5 hours away thursday through monday. I am totally freaking out that everyone is still going to get it and I am thinking of cancelling the trip. My mom thinks I am nuts and if everyone is fine on thursday a.m. that I should still come. Last time was he*l with puking kids in the car.


I know kids can get sick at anytime, and I dont want to be a paranoid freak and stay home because they may or may not get sick. But over Thaksgiving I thought my DD and DH werent going to get it and they did...just four and six days later.


Would you go if everyone was still healthy come thursday a.m.???

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I am crazy about puke. I hate it. I freak out when the kids puke and it literally makes me nuts.


So anyways..we had the 9 day stomach flu at Thanksgiving. One kid went down every 2 days and then the first kid got it again. My DH got it, I didnt.


SO.. the same DS that got it first at Thanksgiving got it again 2 days ago.Today he is fine. So far everyone else is OK. 4 days prior to this he had a 2 day fever.


I am supposed to go visit family 5 hours away thursday through monday. I am totally freaking out that everyone is still going to get it and I am thinking of cancelling the trip. My mom thinks I am nuts and if everyone is fine on thursday a.m. that I should still come. Last time was he*l with puking kids in the car.


I know kids can get sick at anytime, and I dont want to be a paranoid freak and stay home because they may or may not get sick. But over Thaksgiving I thought my DD and DH werent going to get it and they did...just four and six days later.


Would you go if everyone was still healthy come thursday a.m.???


Is there any reason to believe they'll suddenly be sick again? Have your parents been sick?


If not, then yes, I think you might be paranoid. It's understandable though. I hate puking and a 5 hr car trip is bad enough. If you don't go, will you have a chance to see them again soon?


I would go and just be obsessive about hand-washing & not visiting a lot of other people while you're in the area (shopping etc).

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I wouldn't do it. Stomach bugs are highly contagious and I am super paranoid about sharing them. If your mom wants to come visit you, then she can take the risk.


Yeah, but her kids were sick at Thanksgiving. I'm pretty sure they are not contagious anymore. :001_smile:

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even if puke didn't bother me I'd be staying home. I do not roll well with that type of frustration (kids sick in car) so I will avoid it when I can. I can handle it better if it just happens, but to take the chance and then if they get sick I would be too upset. Not worth it to me.


Of course, you could just name it and claim it and curse the sickness demon that has entered your house and...(yup, that smell is a nice fresh can of open worms) :)

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there is no reason to think anyone else will get it, except that they got it after my DS did at Thanksgiving, but 2, 4, and 6 days later. I am wondering if this time will be the same.


No one where I am going is sick and they think we should come as long as everyone is still healthy Thursday a.m.

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Puke makes me crazy too as I have emitophobia. I have a terrible time dealing with stomach bugs. I completely understand where you're coming from and I would not want to risk puking in the car either. :grouphug: Thursday is still just under 48 hours away. I would wait until tomorrow night and see how things go.


That said, stomach bugs stink. Someone who's had one can be contagious for up to 2 weeks after and while the incubation is typically 48 hours it can take up to a week to manifest as well. There's really no telling with any great certainty if your other kids will come down with it or not. :( I usually assume if one of mine goes down that another will- stomach bugs are so contagious. :(


I'm not much help but wanted to sympathize. :grouphug:

Edited by plain jane
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No way would I stay home unless one of the grandparents were old and sick.



nope they are both youngish :) and healthy. And my mom loves taking care of sick kids and took care of them all over Thanksgiving weekend because she knows I hate puke.


I think I am being a little paranoid and I cant live my life in a bubble. Just because one kid gets sick, doesnt mean the others always will, right? I dont want to make irrational fears of mine keep my kids from visiting their grandparents.

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nope they are both youngish :) and healthy. And my mom loves taking care of sick kids and took care of them all over Thanksgiving weekend because she knows I hate puke.


I think I am being a little paranoid and I cant live my life in a bubble. Just because one kid gets sick, doesnt mean the others always will, right? I dont want to make irrational fears of mine keep my kids from visiting their grandparents.


My dd got sick last week out of the blue and none of the rest of us did. She also was fine the next morning. This has happened before with other family members.


I'd get packing if I were you. :001_smile:

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My dd got sick last week out of the blue and none of the rest of us did. She also was fine the next morning. This has happened before with other family members.


I'd get packing if I were you. :001_smile:


Thank you for sharing that. I know that is totally possible, but we have a bad record for all going down. I think I am gonna pack tomorrow ;) Please Lord, let us all be healthy and have a good trip.

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It's rare that more than one of us gets a stomach bug. I'd go and throw in some bowls and beach towels if you are nervous. Being prepared will ward off the bugs. Have fun!


Wow, really? You're very fortunate. :) Or maybe I'm just unfortunate. :tongue_smilie::001_huh: I can't seem to limit those things to just one child. Last time I thought I was incredibly fortunate that only 1 child and myself came down with it rather than most of my crew. Heck, once, when one of my dc came down with a stomach virus over the night, I sent one of my others for a sleep over with family for a day and a half until my sick child was done puking. Healthy child came back and was sick 2 days after returning home. :glare: We can't seem to not share the stomach flu around here. :lol::glare:


ETA: Wait. Sorry, OP. I didn't mean for this to sound discouraging. I have heard of many times when family members get a stomach bug and not everyone comes down with it. I was just commenting on how it's not been the case here, unfortunately. I do think if everyone is healthy tomorrow y'all should pack up and plan for a great time. :)

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Wow, really? You're very fortunate. :) Or maybe I'm just unfortunate. :tongue_smilie::001_huh: I can't seem to limit those things to just one child. Last time I thought I was incredibly fortunate that only 1 child and myself came down with it rather than most of my crew. Heck, once, when one of my dc came down with a stomach virus over the night, I sent one of my others for a sleep over with family for a day and a half until my sick child was done puking. Healthy child came back and was sick 2 days after returning home. :glare: We can't seem to not share the stomach flu around here. :lol::glare:


ETA: Wait. Sorry, OP. I didn't mean for this to sound discouraging. I have heard of many times when family members get a stomach bug and not everyone comes down with it. I was just commenting on how it's not been the case here, unfortunately. I do think if everyone is healthy tomorrow y'all should pack up and plan for a great time. :)



:D Its Ok. We are usually exactly that same way and thats why I am paranoid this time. We have never ever just had one go down.

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