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CAP or Young Marines

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I'm curious if anyone has experience with these two programs. I was reading the thread on West Point and it got me researching. I knew about CAP only because my pastor and 2 church members are part of it. This one doesn't start until you are 12. But I had never heard of young marines, let alone that you can join when you are 8. I am interested in that for my DS next year. He does cub scouts right now, but I just don't think it is enough. My only issue, and I know this is silly, is that I have these visions of Hitler's youth program. Yup, silly.:lol::tongue_smilie::D


So, I'm curious if this is something that others have found to be beneficial for their children, especially boys with loads of energy who love anything to do with outside, challenging themselves, competition, etc.

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You might want to cross-post your question on the high-school board -- that's where I first heard of CAP (perhaps because you do have to be 12 or older to join). My son *just* joined CAP, at 15 (not a moment to soon -- he hopes he can advance far enough to look good for academy apps), and LOVES it. It has taken priority over all of his other activities. I must say, it's a great program and he is learning a lot, doing a lot of physical training, leadership, "orientation rides" in airplanes, etc. Plus he looks very handsome in his uniform :001_smile:

I've never heard of Young Marines, but it sounds like a good program. We only have CAP in our area, not junior ROTC or Young Marines, etc., but apparently we're lucky to have CAP -- not every area does.



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My ds recently joined CAP. He LOVES it!! He promoted to his first rank a few weeks ago. His dress uniform came in the mail a couple weeks ago and he got to wear it Mon. for the first time. HANDSOME. :001_smile: He's going to a training thing tomorrow and I'm supposed to be sewing a patch onto his BDU's but I'm taking an ice cream break. ;)


My dh was researching the Young Marines and also the Sea Cadets (the navy organization) for my other ds's as they weren't sure they wanted to follow right behind the oldest one. After his online research he is totally convinced that CAP is the best program and also best for our family. But we don't have any experience with the others. With CAP you can visit 3 times I think to make sure it is something you would enjoy before you sign on.

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My dh was researching the Young Marines and also the Sea Cadets (the navy organization) for my other ds's as they weren't sure they wanted to follow right behind the oldest one. After his online research he is totally convinced that CAP is the best program and also best for our family. But we don't have any experience with the others.


That's good to know ... confirms what we felt. So far we've been SO impressed with CAP.


With CAP you can visit 3 times I think to make sure it is something you would enjoy before you sign on.


Yes; in fact my son *couldn't* join until he had attended three meetings. I think they want you to be sure it'll be a good fit before you/they go to all the trouble of signing you up.



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I was the one who mentioned it in the West Point thread. I can only tell you what I learned this evening at our interview.


We chose Young Marines because my son's desire has always been to enter the Army or the Marines. He really has no interest in the Air Force. The program has been around since the 70's and is similar to CAP in it's rigor and promotion system. I was quite impressed with the XO we met this evening. My son will complete boot camp in March - every weekend - and if he passes all of the requirements he will graduate into the program. He is psyched!


They have tons of community service opportunities, disaster preparedness classes & certification, leadership training seminars, as well as summer camps and trips. They meet for day-long drill every other Saturday. A group of kids is about to leave to serve/participate at a conference at the UN.


And my boy-man looked so handsome (and so OLD) in his uniform (and size 11 boots!!):tongue_smilie:

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I was the one who mentioned it in the West Point thread. I can only tell you what I learned this evening at our interview.


We chose Young Marines because my son's desire has always been to enter the Army or the Marines. He really has no interest in the Air Force. The program has been around since the 70's and is similar to CAP in it's rigor and promotion system. I was quite impressed with the XO we met this evening. My son will complete boot camp in March - every weekend - and if he passes all of the requirements he will graduate into the program. He is psyched!


They have tons of community service opportunities, disaster preparedness classes & certification, leadership training seminars, as well as summer camps and trips. They meet for day-long drill every other Saturday. A group of kids is about to leave to serve/participate at a conference at the UN.


And my boy-man looked so handsome (and so OLD) in his uniform (and size 11 boots!!):tongue_smilie:


Thanks for the information. I have no clue if my DS will end up joining the military, so it's hard to decide which program would better suit him. Other than knowing he'd LOVE to go up in airplanes.;) I emailed the guy who supposedly is in charge of my local Young Marines and the email didn't go through. I am going to try the phone number on Monday, but my guess is that the local chapter has closed and we will just have to wait until DS is 12 and ready to join CAP.

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My son *just* joined CAP, at 15 (not a moment to soon -- he hopes he can advance far enough to look good for academy apps), and LOVES it.


DS joined at 16 (Jan of sophomore year) and made Mitchell senior year. He had to promote every time as soon as the 56 days allowed. He and another boy did (other boy is now at West Point, he is at USAFA). Apparently, it was the first time anyone had ever managed to do that in his squadron.

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My ds has just joined CAP this last week. Dh joined too. :001_smile: Their unit is extremely small. We looked into it after ds started taking flying lessons and absolutely loved it. Here you are also required to attend 3 meetings before being allowed to join. It's too soon to give a real opinion, but so far he likes it.

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My oldest has been in CAP for 3 1/2 yrs. Just so you know, lisamarie, the flights probably vary a lot by squadron. My son's only gone up twice.


Our squadron must be a relatively active one, then, since in the last 6 months I know they've gone up at least twice -- one was an in-flight refueling that they got to see up close! (This all happened right before my son joined, unfortunately. They also did security for the Blue Angels at October's Fleet Week in the SF Bay Area!) On the other hand, there was supposed to be a ride over President's Day weekend coming up, in which the cadets would be able to "fly" the plane once it was up (sit at the controls for a while, at least), but my son just told me it was canceled for budgetary reasons. Hopefully there will be other flights soon ...



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DS joined at 16 (Jan of sophomore year) and made Mitchell senior year. He had to promote every time as soon as the 56 days allowed. He and another boy did (other boy is now at West Point, he is at USAFA). Apparently, it was the first time anyone had ever managed to do that in his squadron.


I'll tell my son that! He was thinking Mitchell was out of reach ... he joined at their Christmas party a few months ago, and this is his sophomore year too. So, basically the same time as your son! Although he has missed one meeting because of a previous orchestra commitment, and he'll have to miss another for another school orchestra concert ... (why do these concerts have to be on Tuesdays?! LOL) Except for that, CAP takes priority! -- he is even going to miss things like the orchestra trip to Disneyland this April to go to a CAP camp :001_smile:


Congratulations to your son! He obviously has a lot of drive and focus. I'm SO glad we found CAP -- it's given my son some focus, too; it's a great group of kids and adults, plus he's learning cool stuff (like doing proper pushups :001_smile:)



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