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Teachers Lounge 2-1-2011

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What's for lunch today? Me: not sure yet. But we're watching Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. Today we're watching what he ate while in the Pacific Islands. Maybe I'll make the kids eat something exotic for lunch!


Anyone get snowed in last night/today? Me: not here in the Sonoran desert but I'm more or less in a "Snow Day" mood.


What projects are you working on right now? Me: kids don't have an 'official' project right now but I'm trying to get a mystery short story completed before tomorrow!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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We had leftover Mexican casserole for lunch (rice, refried beans, shredded chicken, cheese and enchilada sauce layered and baked.)


We are having a definite snowy day here. The city is pretty much shut down. So much for the dental appointments today. The kids already had a light school schedule for today because of the dentist, so we are just relaxing. (the twins have spent the morning dressing the dog up in ethnic outfits...the coolest was the Indian Sarai, complete with marriage dot)


Projects: keeping warm and trying to fight off my urge to bake unhealthy desserts all day.

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Lunch today was a la carte here... one had a turkey & cheese sandwich with a clementine. The other had leftover mac & cheese with raw carrots. I ate banana nut pancakes.


No snow here (thankfully!); however, rain is on the way for tonight and tomorrow.


No special projects here. Actually, I'm attempting to declutter one room at a time, so I guess that would count. It's a slow process, and I'm afraid I'm losing steam.


We've done nothing related to school today, but I have mopped the floors, vacuumed, cleaned my kitchen and done a few loads of laundry. The boys have been building with their Legos and creating fantastic stories around them today, so I guess the socialization part of the day has been accomplished. :tongue_smilie:

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We are having turkey barley soup since it is cold and dreary here.


We have snow on the ground, but no new snow today. There was a little ice this morning so the neighborhood kids are out of school again. The public school have been closed for snow or teacher days since last Weds. We took a day off last Thurs for sledding, but other than that our school has been in session. We will be so glad when the end of May comes and we are finished, public schools will be mid to late June.


Projects - a laundry room remodel in progress by DH (supervised by me :D), the kids have each picked a country to research, and there is a lego town under construction.

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For lunch, probably frozen pizza.


It has been too cold yesterday and today for snow. Currently around -20 C. With the several feet of snow we have on the ground already, I am quite fine with no more falling.


Projects today: Austin is very sick and the furncare is not working. SO today is a low key day. THe kids are huddled in the livingroom watching dvds. Austin is sleepng under several quilts in my room, and I just finished sorting/decluttering my scrapbooking stuff. Am at the library right now checking emails and paying bills. Once home again I am going to be cleaning the kitchen and livingroom, and doing a purge of kids toys. I may or may not bake today. I really want to but have my weigh in at the gym tomorrow am, and was already lazy in my eating this weekend.

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Lunch today: grilled cheese for dh and the kids, more salad with black beans for me.


No new snow, just a bit of freezing drizzle and now real rain falling on what's on the ground.


I have the dc making get well cards as a project today. My uncle slipped on the ice a couple of weeks ago and broke his hip, and I figured the cards would cheer him up. My project is just my usual Tuesday math tutoring. I would rather nap.

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Lunch - Probably a salad for me with a piece of bread on the side.


Snow? - no but there was frost this morning. The dogs are being wimpy and asked to come in right away instead of doing their usual squirrel chasing.


Projects -


Ds is converting a computer into a usable sound studio for himself.


Dd is studying plants and so a side table now has an amaryllis, a small pine tree, two quince saplings, an avocado pit that is refusing to grow and a "pumpkin patch" of ten pumpkin seedlings.


My project is working on the backlog of stuff that has literally been on my to-do list for at least 2 years. Next week the kids finally go to the dentist and dd finally gets tested for speech therapy. I am taking advantage of being well enough to do these things.

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Sounds like some of you have your plates full and some are on the "under the weather" side. Here's to balancing your plates and good health! I'm just recovering from a nasty cold virus that really through me for a loop last week (some of you may remember). I finally feel better but, when I talk, I can tell I'm still congested somewhat.


Today has been a light day for us. Didn't plan it that way, just sort of happened. Watched "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern" this morning - Samoa and India. Some of it sounded interesting. Some was just gross.


Ate at Pei Wei for lunch, after we exchanged our video at Blockbuster, that was next door. I've only eaten at Pei Wei twice and I can't say I'm all that impressed!


Then I took the kids to an Indo-Euro grocery store. My daughter actually spotted something in the store that Andrew Zimmern had eaten on the show! So, that was pretty cool. We spent about 10 minutes in there, looking around. Then we were off to the library. This week the kids' started studying about Australia, so we had to get a book about that, you know! :^)


Now, I'm off to work on my mystery short story. Have a great day, everyone!

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The kids had chicken hot dogs and I am having spaghetti with butter and cheese :)


The Pacific NW is cold but no snow, it is actually clear and sunny!


I am trying to create portfolios for the kids' old schoolwork and we just got back from the library.

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