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Anyone have a Nook Color?

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I received a Nook Color for Christmas which came with 2 kids' books preloaded. My kids have enjoyed reading them and listening to the narration. Who knew they were recorded? My 9 yo figured this out:001_huh::lol:


So, my answer is yes, thus far the Nook Color has been good for kids' books.

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I also received a NookColor for Christmas, based on a rec on here. My boys, ages 18mo & 4yo, both love the kids books on it. I've purchased 5, & it came with 2. Some are recorded, some not. Most have zoom in/out on the pictures, and you can usually pop out text so it is easier to read. I like the kids books, but would never replace our physical picture books for nookbooks. My 4yo has even requested that we buy a physical copy of one of them, and I'm sure it's because the illustrations are quite detailed & he wants to look at them on a larger page. (Man Gave Names to All the Animals) It's a really fun feature, and great to have some super-portable stories for trips like doctor offices, etc. You can ask me more questions if you want more info. :)

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My Nook Color is my favorite thing in the world and the BEST thing I ever bought myself. Before that I had a regular Nook, which I loved and I felt very guilty when, in a moment of weaknes, I bought the NC. I thought I would prefer to read on the e-ink and wasn't sure if I'd really utilize it. OMG, I love it. I mean I am really in love with my NC and rave about it to the point where my family is sick of listening to me tell them how wonderful it is.


What I love most:


- The color! I love organizing my books on their shelves and seeing real, color book covers. I bought Prevention magazine and it's amazing reading it on there. I have pages bookmarked for recipes, exercises, etc.


You asked about children's books: They are incredible. You can choose read to me or read to myself. The voice is a nice voice - not digital voice. DC love flipping the pages by swiping their finger across the screen, like flipping the page of a real book.


I have to admit, though, that I'm stingy with my NC and only let them look at books when I'm not using it, and I have to be watching.


- I love the lighted screen. Now, when I bought this I thought I would still want to use my regular Nook for extended reading (the two Nooks are synced so they carry the same content). I read a lot and was afraid, based on what I read here, that the LED screen would hurt my eyes. Well, not only does it not bother me at all, but I prefer it to the e-ink. You can change the brightness, background tint, etc, to what suits you. My favorite thing in the world is lying in bed at night with the lights off and reading.


- I love the internet. I love being able to read, jump to my e-mails quick, and jump right back in the touch of a screen. Now, I know some people have called NC "Ipad light", but for me it has the perfect combination of internet capability and ereader function, while being the perfect size.


It has lots of other neat features, but those are my favorites. Sorry I went on a tangent when I know you were just asking about kids books, but, what can I say, I'm in love:001_wub:



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hey Lisa, I love your review. I have been wondering how people would like the backlit screen. It looked fine to me at B&N, but I only used it for a few minutes.


Go on and rave about the other neat features! I'd love to hear more about it. :bigear:


:001_wub: okay (gush)!:001_wub:


I love that it's so intuitive; you kinda just know how to get where without actually knowing. There's one menu you use at teh touch of a button and from there it's so easy to find what you want. I can "shop" and instantly be at B&N store to look up books. I love that there's many ways to look at my books I have loaded, and I LOVE that I can organize them into shelves. I know the old Nook and Kindle (which I had and returned) can organize onto shelves, but it's just not the same as seeing the actual color book cover sitting on an actual shelf. I change and rearrange my shelves as I add books. So far I have:






Historical Fiction (my favorite genre)




I love that you can download a sample of any book. Instead of adding books I want to buy to my wishlist, I download a sample and the books shows up in my library with teh word "sample" over it. This way I have all the books I want to eventually get already on a shelf so I don't forget about them. When I'm ready to buy them, they're right there.


the "lend me" app keeps track of all your lendable books and you can add a friend to your Nook so you can easily lend back and forth.


There's a little book icon at the very bottom, so whereever you are, online or whatever, you can just tap it and it takes you right to whatever you were reading last. This is really nice when you're jumping online while you're reading (like when you're reading but just have to know if there's any interesting posts on The Well Trained Mind:D) I can tap "web" (I have WTM as my homepage) and when I'm ready to start reading, just tap the book and I'm right back.


Bookmarking is very easy and you can highlight text and type notes, etc. You can also share text and notes to Facebook, et al, with a tap (though not sure why you'd want to).


Be happy to answer any specific questions,


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Do you get a glare from lights/lamps or sunlight on the NookColor?


And what exactly can you do online with your NC?


No glare inside at all. I have not used it outside, but I'm gold it can have a sun glare. The B&N women recommended a glare-free screen protector, but I haven't gotten it yet.


As for online, really anything I do on my laptop I can do with my NC. Well almost. There are some media that can't be viewed on it (can't remember if it's flash media or somethign else), but you can view youtube videos, but there's some website video that may not be viewable.


I definitely use it for light internet searching. If I'm going to be doing a lot of typing, multiple searching, etc., I usually use my laptop as typing on the touchscreen can be cumbersome. I used it last night to look at teh weather reports in bed, get email, and look at WTM board.



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Are you on it now?? :D


It's crazy, but the color thing is what really interests me. The other things are awesome, too...but this is what sets it apart from the other ereaders. I love how you describe the bookshelves, and that would make me warm and fuzzy and happy. :001_wub:


That's what I love about real books...their beautiful color book covers, and arranging them on shelves. I agree that it makes a difference when you see the color book covers. I think that would be great for magazines, too. I stopped all of our magazine subscriptions due to the clutter, but this would be a nice way to still be able to enjoy our favorites. Well, the ones that are available now.


I will be keeping an eye on this thread or any others that come up. My DH had offered to buy me one for the holidays but I said no. I may change my mind though, for whatever holiday comes up next...


Hey Lisa, what do you NOT like about it?? And since you have the regular nook and have had a kindle too, what other comparisons can you make? Whenever you have time...


Oh, and I just KNOW that my favorite thing would be reading in bed with the lights off. :001_smile:

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Are you on it now?? :D


It's crazy, but the color thing is what really interests me. The other things are awesome, too...but this is what sets it apart from the other ereaders. I love how you describe the bookshelves, and that would make me warm and fuzzy and happy. :001_wub:


That's what I love about real books...their beautiful color book covers, and arranging them on shelves. I agree that it makes a difference when you see the color book covers. I think that would be great for magazines, too. I stopped all of our magazine subscriptions due to the clutter, but this would be a nice way to still be able to enjoy our favorites. Well, the ones that are available now.


I will be keeping an eye on this thread or any others that come up. My DH had offered to buy me one for the holidays but I said no. I may change my mind though, for whatever holiday comes up next...


Hey Lisa, what do you NOT like about it?? And since you have the regular nook and have had a kindle too, what other comparisons can you make? Whenever you have time...


Oh, and I just KNOW that my favorite thing would be reading in bed with the lights off. :001_smile:



Yes! Warm, fuzzy, and happy, that's me:D


I have a home library. I turned our den into one a few years ago to have a designated room for our cherished books. I'm a book lover and scoffed at the idea of an e-reader for the longest time, insisting I would never give up good, old fashioned books and the feel of one in my hand. Finally broke down and bought a Nook six months ago and was amazed how fast I got used to, then actually favored, reading on it. Now having the NC, it's a whole 'nother level:001_smile: And yes, having your books arranged in a library on shelves makes me feel, well, warm, fuzzy and happy!


With regard to the Nook v NC, the Nook is an excellent e-reader (much perferred over Kindle for me). It had internet capability but I would never use it because it was awful (trying to navigate with just a small touch screen on the bottom). Felt that function was kinda a throw in but not really functional, IMO. The real use was a reader, and an excellent one.


But teh NC to me is truly a multi-function, used equally by me for its internet as well as it's ereader. Now, I've never had an IPAD and I'm sure I would love it, but for half the price it's the perfect gadget for me.


Kindle, for me, just wasn't what I wanted. Wasn't crazy about it, felt too lightweight in my hand, preferred teh placement of the page navigation buttons of teh Nook, and just didn't feel great in my hand. I liked the touchscreen bottom of the Nook, which had color so, again, seeing teh book thing was nicer on the eyes. Also, I just hated the fact that Kindle books didn't have page numbers. Instead, they had reference point numbers which were useless and made no sense to me. This doesn't seem to bother most people, but for me part of feeling like I'm reading a real book was seeing what page I'm on. Of course, Nook pages recalculate if/when font size is changed.


So far the only thing I don't like is that it's easy to accidentally change the page by touching the screen by accident. I'm getting much better at this, but I used to accidentally touch the screen, not realizing, and then see that I was 20 pages ahead of where I was :confused: Haven't done this for a while, though. It took me a little while to get the hang of tapping or swiping the screen with one hand (after I had gotten into a nice snug routine with my old Nook of holding it just so and having my finger right on the button to turn the page), but I really love it now. I love swiping the screen to flip pages. Almost feels like flipping the page in a real book.


And no, not on it now. Way too much typing for me on the touchscreen:D I'm off to bed though so I'll me checking in on it. Don't expect long answers, though:D



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Didn't know there was a glare-free screen protector..

I guess I just need to get to Barnes and Noble and decide which one I want.


I think I have decided to go with Nook over Kindle. Thought for sure I wanted a Kindle. I like that I can get books from the library on the Nook.

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Thank you. This has been very helpful. The review was great. I have a Kindle, and I like it. (Actually, the only thing I don't like about it is the lack of page numbers!) Mostly I'm thinking about the Nook Color for the kids. We have a very small home, and we tend to move a lot, so space is an issue for us. I'm buying most of MY books in ebook format these days.


Does B&N back up your library for you like Amazon does? Just in case you ever lose something?

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Thank you. This has been very helpful. The review was great. I have a Kindle, and I like it. (Actually, the only thing I don't like about it is the lack of page numbers!) Mostly I'm thinking about the Nook Color for the kids. We have a very small home, and we tend to move a lot, so space is an issue for us. I'm buying most of MY books in ebook format these days.


Does B&N back up your library for you like Amazon does? Just in case you ever lose something?


Yes, all books are saved in your library on B&N:)



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I'd like to add to Lisa's great review: the extras are awesome! If you aren't familiar with pandora radio, check it out online. NC has the pandora android app, and I love having it play while I read or web browse. I also love the crosswords. I'm not a sudoku gal, but it has them as well. There will be more apps available sometime in the next couple of months. I am genuinely excited to see what they will be. The pdf reader is great too. I am currently knitting a sweater for DS4 from a pdf pattern that I downloaded from a knitting site. I also have bookmarked online recipes and recipes in my nook magazines, and cook from them. I think adobe flash is what it can't do, but you can't always view youtube videos. I think there is a fix update in the works though. I haven't tried uploading pics to the web from the NC, so I'm not sure how that works. Or if it works. I think the magazines are just fabulous! I really love that feature. And I did just type this on my NC. :)

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I'd like to add to Lisa's great review: the extras are awesome! If you aren't familiar with pandora radio, check it out online. NC has the pandora android app, and I love having it play while I read or web browse. I also love the crosswords. I'm not a sudoku gal, but it has them as well. There will be more apps available sometime in the next couple of months. I am genuinely excited to see what they will be. The pdf reader is great too. I am currently knitting a sweater for DS4 from a pdf pattern that I downloaded from a knitting site. I also have bookmarked online recipes and recipes in my nook magazines, and cook from them. I think adobe flash is what it can't do, but you can't always view youtube videos. I think there is a fix update in the works though. I haven't tried uploading pics to the web from the NC, so I'm not sure how that works. Or if it works. I think the magazines are just fabulous! I really love that feature. And I did just type this on my NC. :)


Ooh, love pandora! :)


I was wondering how many apps would be available. I imagine soon it will be like the iphone. That is exciting. I guess I really like how the ereaders have so many more functions now. It always seemed like a lot of money for me to just READ, when I have a room full of books already...but then to be able to use it for other things...well, sure. Take my money!! :lol: Might have to start saving...

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It has a chess app too. If you go on youtube & search nook color, there is a two part review by mobile tech gadget. I found this review very helpful when I was considering the NC. There are a few other helpful youtube reviews too. I never would have thought of a video review, but my DH told me to look. Also, I meant to add that I did notice it was harder to see one day when there was bright sun coming in the window at just that angle. So I turned slightly. I don't have the anti-glare screen protector yet. My children are quite small, so my attention really has to be on them outside anyway. One of the drawbacks always mentioned for the NC compared to other ereaders is battery life: 8hrs officially for NnC vs something crazy like a month for others. This hasn't bothered me in the least. And if you want to extend the charge life while not online, you can turn off the wifi.

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I posted a thread, but this week at Best Buy, you can get a free ereader cover with the purchase of an ereader. I'm going through ebates to get 1% back, but will be saving almost $50 on a cover that I would need to buy anyway.


I was there today and they were sold out. They weren't willing to do a rain check and said they have troubler keeping them in stock. They are also on backorder online.

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