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Confession... I haven't done much the last 4 months.

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We moved in October, unpacked, stripped wallpaper. November, more of the same, plus Thanksgiving and inlaws visiting for a week, December, sick, Christmas, more wallpaper stripping, painting, going out of town for New years, January... find out we're moving again soon, painting cabinets, and more painting, wallpaper stripping, morning sickness.... will it ever end?


I miss my kids. They sit in front of the tv so they'll be out of the way. We do math almost everyday, and my daughter reads on her own all the time anyway. but we're only on week 15 for AO1, and I started in July!

I'm tired. I don't ever want to renovate a home again and I never want to move again.


that's all.

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Aww :grouphug:


I am in a similar boat.


I am not expecting (oh thank goodness! :)) but I do have a very (*VERY*) type A 2.5 who takes up a lot of time in the house. I also work part time. So we are on lesson 15 in MUS ans we started in September (or was it October?) We are going s l o w l y but that's OK. We are picking up again and so will you! Just get the three R's done and you will do fantabulous! :)

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I'm there too. :grouphug: Your dc are even a bit younger than mine. Honestly, don't fret about it at all. I know I'm not sharing anything profound. Just wanted you to know that you are not alone. And....we are moving next month. I have a feeling that the next 2 months will be minimal around our home. I'll be posting a confession this spring:001_huh:

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It sounds like you've done tons! Not what you would prefer to be doing, not school stuff, but it isn't like you've been ditching school to sit on the couch and eat bonbons while you and the kids watch soaps. Just keep doing the best you can, it will get better. :grouphug:

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We moved this year, too, and renovated our last house prior to sale.


In all honesty, I don't know anything more stressful. Really. You have my full sympathy. You WILL settle in. It all will get better and every day is a day closer to that.


The kids are young, you'll be fine.



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Just wanted you to know you're not alone! We haven't done anything since dd was born at the beginning of December. I was planning to get back to our "normal" schedule today, had the kids all fired up and everything, and of course I came down with an atrocious cold last night! I don't actually feel too terrible about it except when something happens like did at Target last week...this sweet lady was commenting on my kids and looked at them and said, "Are you all out of school today?" And my oldest said, "We're homeschooled, but we haven't done any school since Thanksgiving." Nice!!!

Hello, guilt and self-loathing! :)


Hang in there! The nice thing is that we can make up the time so quickly and don't have a definite last day of school that we have to be held to! That's what I keep telling myself anyway. :)

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