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New Jane Eyre Movie

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There's a new hollywood version of Jane Eyre due out in March. I am so looking forward to a new adaptation, I haven't liked the others... thought the casting was wrong. But it says it has a brief nude image. What on earth? I'm racking my brain... there isn't anything like that in the book, right? What on earth could it be.... just for ratings? I'm bugged and want so dearly for this to be a movie I can enjoy and have in my home eventually. Any thoughts?

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See, I think the book is a little dark and "gothic". I think the Bronte's were very brooding and dark in their writing. So I'm excited to see this spin on it, but the nudity thing is bugging me! And I hope they stay true to her character, that she really does remain chaste and leave as soon as she finds out the truth about his secrets.

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I just went and watched the trailer . . . wow! It looks great. Yes, very Gothic, but . . . Jane Eyre is sort of the definition of "Gothic".


I hope they do get the central moral problem right. I remember watching the Tristan and Isolde movie that came out a few years back and being utterly disgusted because they left out the love potion - the only thing that made the conflict interesting! Tristan and Isolde horribly betray their lord, and if that's all there is to it, they're just horrible people. If they were forced to do it by a love potion . . . well, suddenly you have a story. (I'm still not sure what I think of the story - it's awfully frustrating and has a lot to say about how we think of love in the Western world - but it's a story.) Take away Jane's firm convictions about adultery, and you don't have a story in Jane Eyre, either. Good stories need an absolute to play against or there's no story.


Finally, a further thought on the nudity . . . maybe it's just a nonsexual, atmospheric bit somewhere? I'm thinking of something like the bathing scene at the beginning of Much Ado About Nothing (the Branaugh/Thompson version). It's certainly nudity, and I kind of go back and forth on how appropriate it is, but it's not sexual, it fits the setting, it's, I dunno, nudity not lewdity, I guess. Or at least as close as you can get when actors are still, in essence, being paid to take off their clothes. :tongue_smilie: If it's something like that, it wouldn't ruin the movie, I don't think.

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I hope they do get the central moral problem right. I remember watching the Tristan and Isolde movie that came out a few years back and being utterly disgusted because they left out the love potion - the only thing that made the conflict interesting! Tristan and Isolde horribly betray their lord, and if that's all there is to it, they're just horrible people. If they were forced to do it by a love potion . . . well, suddenly you have a story. (I'm still not sure what I think of the story - it's awfully frustrating and has a lot to say about how we think of love in the Western world - but it's a story.) Take away Jane's firm convictions about adultery, and you don't have a story in Jane Eyre, either. Good stories need an absolute to play against or there's no story.


Finally, a further thought on the nudity . . . maybe it's just a nonsexual, atmospheric bit somewhere? I'm thinking of something like the bathing scene at the beginning of Much Ado About Nothing (the Branaugh/Thompson version). It's certainly nudity, and I kind of go back and forth on how appropriate it is, but it's not sexual, it fits the setting, it's, I dunno, nudity not lewdity, I guess. Or at least as close as you can get when actors are still, in essence, being paid to take off their clothes. :tongue_smilie: If it's something like that, it wouldn't ruin the movie, I don't think.


:iagree: I love the way you phrased that.

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  • 2 months later...

Just saw it last night. Don't remember a any shots of Rochester n*de in any way, but there is a picture on the stair landing of a reclining n*de female that is shown once briefly, then again in painstaking closeup panning detail when Jane studies it. That would be my guess as to what it is.

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Just saw it last night. Don't remember a any shots of Rochester n*de in any way, but there is a picture on the stair landing of a reclining n*de female that is shown once briefly, then again in painstaking closeup panning detail when Jane studies it. That would be my guess as to what it is.


This is what they mentioned on our local Christian radio as being one of the reasons it didn't get top marks from them. The camera spends a little too long lingering on the photo but that was the only negative thing they had to say about it.


http://www.pluggedin.com/movies/intheaters/janeeyre.aspx here is where they get the review from that they commented on.

Edited by momof3sofar
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I went to see it last night and thought it was terrible. It was s..l...o....w for one thing. Started at the middle of the story and presented brief flashbacks. Missed many of the key points of the story and ended at the wrong place. No chemistry between Jane and Mr. Rochester. It was a very poor version. Save your money and rent one of the other versions!

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To see this movie, I'll have to play my trump card. Basically, he owes me. We normally don't see movies I want to see, we see movies either we both want, or movies he wants to see, and I just want to go out. My movie wish list gets left for Netflix and he either doesn't bother or falls asleep 15 minutes in.


I'm debating about using my trump card on him for this movie or not. You guys will have to convince me. I've never really enjoyed the 'classic female authors'. Okay I've avoided them. But I have enjoyed the movies. And I like the darker feel this one gives off. So I'm waiting on more reports. But I'm going to need reports from people that aren't Bronte and Austen type die hards.


Oh and my trump card? "Avatar." Or what I refer to as "Dances with Smurfs"!


He owes me for sitting through that. The 3d just added to what he owes me for that one! :ack2:

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