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Downton Abbey on PBS

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Mr. Pamuk died of a heart attack. Robert mentioned that the doctor had examined him and said that. If you missed that, you probably missed that Mary was in tears the whole next day (though she was trying hard to be brave) and she actually sat in his bedroom grieving. She and Mr. Carson had a talk about how she felt she had felt happiness for a moment and was now afraid she would never find it again.


There are places in the series where Mary is so vulnerable. She has moments of kindness. She's not perfect, but I can't despise her.


Thank you! That's exactly where it skipped! We tried and tried to get it to work, but it just kept skipping over that part. Very annoying.

I can't despise Mary either. I feel sorry for her. She was just...there. She had no real value except through marriage and if she married wrong, she'd have absolutely no value. I can't imagine how that would feel. It might make me b!tchy too.

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I think Thomas will be in the new shows. Wikipedia (which I know isn't always a reliable authority) says that the actor who plays Thomas has signed up for the new series.




I had a feeling we haven't seen the last of Thomas. I am guessing that we will find out that Thomas poisoned that Turkish fellow and that is why he died so suddenly.


O'Brien makes me so mad. I still feel so sad for Cora....and Lord Grantham.

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Ok, since I don't have the DVDs in budget and my library doesn't have them, and I likely won't watch it online (listen to me whine LOL), could someone that knows tell me just what Mary said or did to Edith's love interest? I just saw him leave the garden party, Mary look smugly at Edith and Edith be crushed. Was that shown in the original BBC version?

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Edith's male friend was looking for her at the garden party, and he asked Mary where she was. Mary said she was probably hiding, because some old guy was planning to propose and Edith was trying to avoid him. Mary said Edith had acted out the "proposal" and her response in front of the family and it was too funny for words.

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I had a feeling we haven't seen the last of Thomas. I am guessing that we will find out that Thomas poisoned that Turkish fellow and that is why he died so suddenly.


O'Brien makes me so mad. I still feel so sad for Cora....and Lord Grantham.


That's what I think, for rejecting his advances.

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I watched Episode 3 on the DVDs this morning (to make sure I had my information right about the heart attack), and Thomas was really startled when he opened the door to Mr. Pamuk's room.


Poor Mary -- I'm afraid what she said was true. She fell in love (momentarily), and no man is ever going to measure up to her memories of Mr. Pamuk.

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Those of us in love with period film should follow this blog that Stephanie (BikeBookBread) posted at some point. http://enchantedserenityperiodfilms.blogspot.com/


I "liked" it on FB too and get all kinds of updates about movies in production, interviews with stars of shows, etc. It's great!!!!


ETA: OMG!!!!!! I just visited the Masterpiece Classic website and there is a new Upstairs Downstairs due in April!! http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/masterpiece/upstairsdownstairs/index.html

Edited by i.love.lucy
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Where does it say it is the UK version? I couldn't find it on the page. It says is is 368 min. long, which is the same length as the PBS version, so I'm confused. This same set is available at Costco right now for $15.99 I believe.




It says it in the "Editorial Reviews" section, under the 'Product Description' heading, right before the user reviews start :D

I didn't know Costco had it! I'm headed there today anyway. Maybe I'll cancel my Amazon order since they said it would be 10-12 days until they shipped!

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Ahhh....I just finished last night with Episode four on PBS.org. ohhhh now to wait. I joined the period movies on FB and think I might have to watch Pride & Prejudice today and also just bite the bullet and buy North & South sometime soon, the library copy has scratches in quite a few places that causes it to skip. That's one of my favorite movies!!!


Anyone going to watch Any Human Heart on PBS? think it will be any good? I'm going to have to start watching what they air, I never knew about all of these good movies when I was younger, I probably wouldn't appreciate them nearly as much! :001_smile:

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If you ladies enjoy Downton Abbey for the time period (Edwardian), the costumes, the castles, etc., you really must watch BBC's "The Lost Prince." It's a true story and totally absorbing. It's about little Prince John of England who had epilepsy and (probably) autism and was hidden away from the public. Excellent, excellent presentation.

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I want to thank the PP who mentioned "Wives and Daughters". I borrowed it from my library and I am loving it!


Can't wait to look for Upstairs/Downstairs next.


Glad you're liking it! It's one of my favorites--movie and book.


Looks like there's a remake of Upstairs, Downstairs coming out on PBS in March!! I never saw the original series, but the previews look sooo good! And Keeley Hawes (the actress playing Cynthia Kirkpatrick in W&D) is in it!

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Glad you're liking it! It's one of my favorites--movie and book.


Looks like there's a remake of Upstairs, Downstairs coming out on PBS in March!! I never saw the original series, but the previews look sooo good! And Keeley Hawes (the actress playing Cynthia Kirkpatrick in W&D) is in it!


I enjoyed W&D's. I loved the happy ending in Africa....


I'll check out UD.

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