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What do you wear in winter at home? Why?

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Does it feel wrong to you to wear layers indoors? I'm usually wearing three layers, so having the house at 60F feels very comfortable.



It doesn't get cold-cold here, but my rule is no heater unless we are wearing two pairs of socks and 2 long top layers.

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Different people have different tolerances to cold and heat, obviously. I can't image having my house at 60 degrees and wearing as many layers as OP said she did. I would die.


The temperature setting inside our house has been 64 degrees during the day all winter. This last week it has been in the single digits outside during the day and below zero at nights, so I live in a cold winter environment. I typically wear yoga pants, two pairs of socks and a long sleeve knit shirt or sweater around the house. I don't get cold; that is very comfortable.


When we sit down to watch a DVD at night, I will sometimes grab a throw, but not often.


At night, we turn the temperature down to 62 and we are all fine with that. I wear a nightgown to bed, and use two blankets. Dh wears underwear and uses one blanket.


If it were 68 degrees inside my house, I'd be wearing shorts and a short- sleeve T-shirt! I do wear layers if I need to be outside for any length of time, like when the kids were young and we played outdoors, but I could never dress like that inside my house.....unless we kept the temps in the low 50s maybe, LOL, but I don't see that happening.

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Cool house here, too, 60-ish during the day, and I turn off the heat in the main rooms of the house at night. When I wake, it's in the mid 50s in the rest of the house. The bedrooms are about 60 at night.


I do not like layers on my legs, but I do like my warm wool socks and slippers, and always wear a woolen sweater on top of a camisole and knit top or blouse. I solved the "constricted" feeling of layers by wearing a lightweight down vest in the house during the day. And I also sometimes nip outside in what I'm wearing, but usually put on a raincoat.


I also wonder if Americans generally tend to keep their homes quite warm in the winter. It seems like people pity us when they find out how cold our house is, and assume it's a matter of necessity, not choice.

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I also wonder if Americans generally tend to keep their homes quite warm in the winter. It seems like people pity us when they find out how cold our house is, and assume it's a matter of necessity, not choice.

I wonder if it has to do with where one lives. We have such a large variation in winter weather. The differences in temps between Miami, FL and Caribou, ME is quite a lot.


Being closer to Caribou than Miami it is cost prohibitive to heat the house to shorts temps. When we lived in GA it wasn't a hardship to keep the heat set at 72.

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Since living in FL we've become wimps! The temp. is usually around 74 here and we're comfortable. My dh gets very cold though. He is tall and super skinny and is only hot right after eating. (His metabolism is crazy!) He needs the temp. to be warm or he is miserable. I'm usually in jeans and a T-shirt. I sometimes throw on a sweatshirt or throw at night if I get cold (because I've become accustomed to the high temps.).

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I wear warm sweatpants or jeans, a heavyweight t-shirt, and socks or slippers.

I don't mind dressing in layers except that I often work from home, which requires me to do LOTS of handwashing and dishwashing. Long sleeves really get in the way, and I hate when the cuffs get wet. If I try to push long sleeves up, they either constrict blood flow, or stretch out permanently. I stick with short sleeved shirts,and keep the house at about 68*-69* during the day, and below 65* when we're sleeping.

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