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We loved Singapore's Primary editions, but switched once we got to the secondary edition. I got NEM to work through with my dd, but we had to abandon ship by January because it was just too much of a struggle to keep up. There was quite a leap from 6A-B to NEM. I switched to CLE for the rest of 7th, but wish I had found something better because there were gaps in some things and a lot of redundancy in others. But in spite of a bit of a bumpy road for 7th she tested higher than ever at her year-end evaluation and we glided right into Algebra 1 this year for 8th. Singapore really prepared her well for it and she's not struggling at all with it. For high-school, I intend to use other sources other than Singapore.

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I suspect this is what we will do as well because when my son gets to that point he will be very young and I'm not a math whiz. I have already added Life of Fred (which my son loves) and I have been on the lookout for what will come after 6B (we are midway through 5A so we have a little time to think about it).

My dd loves LOF too. :) I really wonder how Discovering Mathematics compares to NEM. I've heard it's more like the Primary series, but it was new when I was shopping for 7th grade curricula and there wasn't much info or review on it so I went with NEM which seemed more tried and true, but it was really difficult. I'm not mathy either and I was lost quite a bit myself trying to teach it and their Home Instructor's guide for NEM is nothing like the ones for the Primary series. I'd really love to hear from people who have used Discovering Mathematics and see if it's a smooth transition into 7th. I really always feel like I kind of did my dd a disservice in math for that grade even if at the end she still tested well.

Which Algebra did you end up in, Ibbygirl?


We're doing Kinetic Algebra 1. It's great. :) I got the Home-school edition. :)

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I wonder about Discovering Mathematics too. I will definitely consider it. It would be great to stick with Singapore because it has worked out so well.


I hope it is as good as the primary series. I loved the primary and wish I could have done a 7A-B and then gone into Algebra from there. :) Good luck in your search. :)

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We switched to Galore Park maths. It's not very exciting, but it's efficient and - if you follow the suggestion of the author and don't do all the questions unless the student really needs the practice - high level and possible to accelerate. Calvin went to school this year, joining a class that was a year accelerated, and has had no problems at all after three books of GP. He is not a mathy kid - his talents lie elsewhere.



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Both of my kids went through 5B (the older one also went through MUS Zeta and half of Saxon 7/6, don't ask!). The older one went straight to Jacobs Algebra at that point. The younger one is doing Thinkwell Prealgebra at the moment and will move into algebra (either Jacobs or Thinkwell) next year. At some point he will probably switch to the AoPS courses.

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