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3rd grade math


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I am new to the forum and have been browsing around some old threads. There is a lot of helpful information, thank you!

My son is in the 2nd grade. We are using Singapore Stand. Ed. for him. At first I thought I loved Singapore, but now I am wavering. He seems to "get it" while we are working through it. However, he loses it quickly. He is still not solid on any of his math facts. I am considering a different curric. for next year. I was leaning toward Math Mammoth or Teaching Textbooks. I saw on a few threads that parents have combined a couple currics. together. Has that worked well for you? How do you implement it without causing frustration to the child (and mama!). Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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I use Math Mammoth and MEP together, but I don't try to line them up or anything. MM is our main curriculum, and MEP is mainly for fun and to add some puzzle like stuff. Now if it drove either of us crazy, we'd just do MM. My son just loves math, and so do I.


Now if you generally like Singapore and just need to work on math facts, I'd probably just concentrate on that separately while sticking with Singapore.

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Thank you all! Can you tell me what MEP and CLE are? Sorry, still learning all the abreviations! Generally I really do like Singapore. This is our second year in it. I just feel like it moves at a more rapid rate than what my son is able to compute! And that goes for me too. I am not "math minded" at all...give me English or History any day but I will pass on math. If I did stay with it, do any of you have suggestions for good filler workbooks or computer games (he loves these!) that would help with the math facts? We have tried flashcards and he just hates them.

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We use Rod and Staff Exploring Arithmetic 3 and M.M. If I wanted to do just one it would be M.M. As it stands we have used R&S since grade 1 and love the way it is written - we do it 3 times a week orally, on the white board and once a week he writes 10 problems from the book. We do M.M. work text pages 4 times a week. Our ds 8 loves them both and so do I. :001_smile:




married 25 yrs to one awesome man.

dd 20 engaged college sr.

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CLE + Christian Light Education. See extensive samples on their website .


I agree with you about Singapore. That's why I chose to combine it with CLE which has built in reviews , speed drills and tests.


My son loves these games to practice his facts. Since he uses CLE , most of the time he is the winner ( he is only 7) . He really has learned his facts!



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Singapore Math does some computer games too. I believe it is Rainbow Rock for 1&2, we now use Vroot and Vroom. My son loves them, he earns time with it. We also have a Flashmaster which I like a lot. It is an electronic form of Flashcards and he does prefer that. We have been having problems with some basic fact, so I enrolled him in Kumon last week. We have only gone three times so far, but I am really happy with it. I am relaxing and my son likes having a different teacher on occasion. They are working on the facts and catch up, and I am now just working through the Singapore books with him.



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Teaching Textbooks might be a good choice for you given that your son likes things on the computer, you don't consider yourself math-minded, and your son needs more repetition and a possibly a slower pace. I'd have him try out some of the lessons for grade 3, 4 and 5 and see if it's a good fit.

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After looking into a few different currics. I am leaning toward Math Mammoth. I think it would be a good fit. I like the idea of adding in another supplement along with MM. CLE looks really good, but we are with a charter that won't purchase religious curric. Do you know of any secular curric. that would compliment MM? If not, I can purchase it myself (I already do for history and science). Those of you who do combine, do you only by the LightUnit Set or the teahers guide as well?

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After looking into a few different currics. I am leaning toward Math Mammoth. I think it would be a good fit. I like the idea of adding in another supplement along with MM. CLE looks really good, but we are with a charter that won't purchase religious curric. Do you know of any secular curric. that would compliment MM? If not, I can purchase it myself (I already do for history and science). Those of you who do combine, do you only by the LightUnit Set or the teahers guide as well?


maybe MEP? It's free to print out, I believe.


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