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I just wanted to thank all of you who prayed for my son :)

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He's back to his normal happy self again. He's back to eating normally and is slowly re-gaining the weight that he lost. Your prayers were really a turning point for him in his illness so thank you so much to all of you who took the time to lift him up. My momma heart is so grateful to each and every one of you. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:




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Thanks for the update - that's such great news. How are you doing?

I'm doing much better. I'm almost back to normal. I still get a little tired if I try to take on too much and I still can't hear out of my right ear, but I feel SO MUCH better than I did. Thanks for asking. :)


Wow! That was a long-lasting illness, wasn't it? :grouphug: Poor little guy! I'm so very glad to hear he's doing better now. Here's to a healthy 2011. :cheers2:

It really was. About 3 weeks for all of us! :eek:


To paraphrase Hannibal Smith, "I love it when our prayers come together.":001_smile:
Amen! God is good. :)


I'm so glad he's finally doing well!!!



Thanks Cat. He started back to school on Monday. When he gets home I should post an updated pic of him so ya'll can see how much better he looks. He's back to his happy smiling self again. :)

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I'm so happy to hear this! Praying that you will return to normal very soon! Thank you for updating us. :grouphug:


Thanks honey. I feel a lot better really. It's just my ear. Apparently a ruptured eardrum takes a long time to heal, but at least it doesn't hurt anymore, I just can't hear out of it. :) Thanks for your prayers. :grouphug:

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