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PE - Family Time Fitness


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I've been looking at the demo videos for Family Time Fitness on the Homeschool Buyers Coop, and I'm really liking what I'm seeing. Has anyone used this? We've been struggling with weight issues with ds as a result of his medicines and a tendency towards a sedentary existence.:glare: He gets bored easily and I'm tired of coming up with ideas. I wouldn't mind having everything laid out for me. It seems a bit pricey, but then again, I would spend that much on 2 Wii games, or more than that on 2 Kinect games. I would love to hear from someone who has used it.

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  • 7 months later...

I've only used the trial for this, but my kids LOVE this (they are 11, 7, 5). What's more, DH and I love doing this with them to. We have a blast! Just in the first lesson alone, all I could think was I was definitely buying this, no matter the cost. It was that fun, and just challenging enough for all levels.


Now, my question is, is there any benefit from buying it at the Homeschool Buyers Co-op vs. buying at Currclick? Currclick has it for cheaper than the Co-op (even if the Co-op gets down to the biggest discount) so I assumed I would just buy it from there. Even the sets of workbooks are cheaper than the cheapest Co-op option. But in looking it up, all anybody is talking about is getting it from the Co-op so maybe there's something I'm missing. :confused:

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I've only used the trial for this, but my kids LOVE this (they are 11, 7, 5). What's more, DH and I love doing this with them to. We have a blast! Just in the first lesson alone, all I could think was I was definitely buying this, no matter the cost. It was that fun, and just challenging enough for all levels.


I just downloaded the trial and I'm wondering about the logistics. Do you read the activity lesson outloud? Do you watch each video or only if there's a question? Some activities look like they'd be better outside, but it's a little difficult to watch a video outside. I'm having trouble seeing how this would all come together smoothly. I'd love to hear the nitty gritty of how you go through a lesson with your kids.

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I just downloaded the trial and I'm wondering about the logistics. Do you read the activity lesson outloud? Do you watch each video or only if there's a question? Some activities look like they'd be better outside, but it's a little difficult to watch a video outside. I'm having trouble seeing how this would all come together smoothly. I'd love to hear the nitty gritty of how you go through a lesson with your kids.


For the most part, we do it inside. We have an open floor plan in our house, so there's a big open space where the kitchen, living room, and dining area/computer room meet the entry way. I can stand in front of my computer (so I can see the pdf) and face that open space where there is plenty of the room for my 3 oldest kids (and occasionally my husband). I have enough room in this area to demonstrate as needed as well.


This area has ceramic tiles that kinda act as space markers, so that has been really helpful for things like Jump the River, Line Jumps, and other things where they have to go from point A to point B (like when it says "across the floor and back"). That way I don't always have to drag out the jump ropes.


It's not a huge space, but it's perfectly workable for everybody, and somehow everything runs really seamlessly.


I only watch the videos if it's not something I know how to do. The best thing would be for me to watch things I have questions about before we start so I can demonstrate to the kids and not have to stop and wait for a video to load (we have less fast satellite internet). However, sometimes I have my baby in arms and can't demonstrate, or I haven't really had time to prepare, so it's helpful to have the kids just come watch at the computer and move back to their spots.


Now, once it cools down outside (it's still 110 every day here), I will do more outside (probably just jot down notes about what to do in what order, by then I hope to not have to demonstrate or watch the vids), but for now we only do the suggested outdoor activities outside. Sometimes we don't play them as long since it is dangerously hot, and we always wait until DH comes home from work so it's more fun (more people) and it's cooled off some by then.


The kids REALLY love it. My 5 year old has been asking all day if we can do more PE, and I've been putting her off until the baby's naptime so I can participate, because it's fun for me too. Plus it really lends itself to informality, which is my style. :D

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I'm sooooo glad I popped on here today and saw this thread! I was about to plunk down $100 for it on the Family Time Fitness website! *gulp*

I just printed off the sample week too and we'll try it this week to see how it goes. And I'm watching the webinar tonight.

I'm all about getting my kiddos moving but I just don't seem to have what it takes to create fun on my own! :001_smile:

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How much is it at CurrClick? I signed up through HSBC and just received email that the price is now $47


ETA: Just checked CurrClick, its current price is $46.90. When I last checked a month ago (when HSBC started running the group buy), it was $67 so I was surprised at the posts here that CurrClick was cheaper. Well, you can't go wrong either way now! :)


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How much is it at CurrClick? I signed up through HSBC and just received email that the price is now $47


ETA: Just checked CurrClick, its current price is $46.90. When I last checked a month ago (when HSBC started running the group buy), it was $67 so I was surprised at the posts here that CurrClick was cheaper. Well, you can't go wrong either way now! :)




On sale until Aug 25th!

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