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God is so Good and Faithful

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Did I mention I hope to begin training to become a midwife? And that part of this path will be becoming a doula first? That I am getting myself ready to be able to pour myself into helping women birth once my kids are on their own? And that since I am divorced, I need a career? Well, I am so excited because I was able to sign up for a four day local training with money my mom gave me for Christmas/birthday, and it feels like a first big step in this new journey, and a huge answer to prayer. So, be encouraged if you are stepping out of your normal box and being led on a new adventure. The next thing you know, you might be doing something like this:



CAPPA Approved Combo Labor/Postpartum Doula Training

April 7-10, 2011

Las Vegas, NV

9am-5pm daily

$625 including training manuals for each program*


This 4 day training will prepare you for a rewarding career as both a Labor Doula and Postpartum Doula. This unique opportunity will give you the education and skills necessary to support families from pregnancy, to childbirth and into the transition to parenthood. Just some of the things you will learn include:


*Scope of Practice for the Labor Doula and Postpartum Doula

*Anatomy and Physiology of Pregnancy

*Early and active labor coping techniques

*Relaxation techniques

*Pain management techniques

*Informed concent


*Transition phase coping strategies

*How to support a mom during cesarean birth

*Supporting parents in the immediate postpartum period

*Breastfeeding support

*Baby care techniques

*Calming and soothing techniques

*Postpartum Mood Disorders and support available

*SIDS/Back to Sleep Campaign

*Grief/Loss Support

*Incorporating family members into the care of the newborn

*Listening and communication skills

*Record keeping and contracts

*Creating and marketing your business

*Networking solutions

*Much, much more!!!

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I am so excited for you. I taught Bradley for 12 years. I really wanted to be a doula and a midwife, but my homelife made it too difficult to be on-call. I loved going to my students' births when I could. Now, I know that I would not be able to handle the sleep disruption, as it takes me days to recover.


Best of luck to you on your journey!

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ohhh fun!


Have you thought about learning to midwife at The Farm?


You betcha I have! In fact, had I not read Spiritual Midwifery in 1980 I would probably not even be thinking in terms of doing birth work. I'm looking at about a five year window and to train there is definitely near the top of my want-to's...all just a matter of timing and cash! But, so far, I am amazed that I get to do this doula training right here where I live and I was able to pay for it. So I am very encouraged about the future.

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I am so excited for you. I taught Bradley for 12 years. I really wanted to be a doula and a midwife, but my homelife made it too difficult to be on-call. I loved going to my students' births when I could. Now, I know that I would not be able to handle the sleep disruption, as it takes me days to recover.


Best of luck to you on your journey!


I'm a big napper since I have been doing late night babysitting for the past year. So I am hoping this can work....

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I am rejoicing with you! I had both my babes at home with midwives and I always wanted to do it as well, but God has not opened that door for me, nor do I think He ever will. Not meant to be depressing, but I think He has a different door that will open for me when my youngest is ready to embark on life outside of our home. Midwifery will always be my "dream that stayed a dream" but I'm so happy you get to live it! Please keep us updated and enjoy your journey!

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