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Calling Dr. Hive

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16yodd is complaining of intestinal pain, headache, swollen glands in throat, and her tongue bled last night when she brushed her teeth. Her abdominal pain is not nausea, not menstrual, and she's not pregnant. Eating does not help; not eating does not help.


Two weeks ago, the dr. thought she had a virus and gave her anti-nausea medicine. She's been feeling poorly off and on for two weeks. Because it's not constant, I keep hoping it will just resolve itself and go away; her pains don't seem connected to each other. I had her take an iron pill the other day, thinking she may be anemic, but it didn't help. Tylenol will help her headache (at the temples) but not her stomach.


Last night, she came into my room teary-eyed because her lower abdomen hurt and she was afraid to go to sleep. Of course, the dr.'s office is closed today for the holiday.


Any thoughts?

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:grouphug: Oh Kristine, I am so sorry! Praying for her comfort today!


ETA. Personal here, but is she able to go to the bathroom without any discomfort? All those symptoms (except for the swelling in her throat) are symptoms of constipation.

Edited by Blueridge
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Did they test her for Mono? Her abdomen pain could be an enlarged spleen if she has Mono. And coupled with the swollen glands, could be a possibility.


If you do have an urgent care center, I would take her in to at least rule out anything serious.


But have them do a Mono culture.:grouphug:


Hope she feels better soon.

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Thank you for your comments and encouragements! She's not had any constipation. Forty-five mins. after taking the promethizine this a.m., she threw up and then felt much better. She slept off and on all day. Interesting thought about the mono . . . dh had it as a teen, and he's doubtful, but many of the symptoms that I'm reading fit.


I will definitely be calling the doctor on Monday.


Thank you again.

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