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Hi guys.

I am studying to become a primary school teacher, and I need to come up with ideas of teaching embracing technology.

I am trying to come up with a list of curriculum that is available online.

what I have at the moment are:

Rosetta Stone http://www.therosettastone.com.au/ref=http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&redir=http://www.rosettastone.com/


computer math curriculum http://www.time4learning.com/math.htm http://www.mathletics.com.au/


phonics http://www.explodethecode.com/ http://www.starfall.com/


interactive dissection web siteshttp://dissect.froguts.com/welcome.html


I was wondering if anyone can think of anything else?

thank you

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Are you looking for ideas that can be used in a classroom? I'm also in school and our technology projects are things that can be utilized by teachers and students in the classrooms. I've never had a whole project on finding technology though. They've just been resources meant to be used with other types of resources for lesson plans.

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What I am after is resources that a teacher could use in a classroom , plus what a student could use independently. it is for an assignment I am doing for my teaching degree.

It is just one element of the assignment. What we are assigned to do is answer the question " What is the nature of the 21st century learner? we are doing it in a group of 5. I am covering the area about literacy and numeracy still being essential . Each other person is covering a different area, but the one that was to to technology pulled out of the university last week ( without having done any work!), so we are dividing up her part of the assignment .. we are making a web page, and were hoping to have a recourse area with descriptions of different techno options for learning.

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We have two children who use tech almost exclusively (they can't write). One of their favorite programs for practicing problem-solving skills is "Math Mysteries." One of the girls has a math disability, so we teach problem solving separately from computation. "Math Mysteries" focuses on the problem solving without their getting mired down in the computation. They learn computation, too, of course, but it was difficult to get them in learning situations where they could learn problem solving because their computational skills were such a handicap.



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There's Starfall, a phonics based learn to read site


There are videos & games at PBS GO! based on popular tv shows.


There's e-Learning for Kids. I haven't had a chance to check it out but it's in my favorites for if I need it for a lesson plan for school.


There are lots of fun software programs like Jumpstart, Reader Rabbit, and Dorling Kindersley DK Learning.

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