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How much do you get out of the house? Socially? Errands? Outside to run around?

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I feel like I'm not fulfilling some sort of quota of out-of-the-house things. We haven't been going on errands much because I'm really trying to cut down on unnecessary shopping--which is not to say I'm not buying things we need online, but I'm trying to avoid those trips to, say, Target where you go in for one thing and come out with six, KWIM? So we don't do that much anymore. We don't have the money for most of the field trips my DDs want to go on at the moment. I try to get us to the park or on a nature walk when I can, but with DD2, it's often more prep work than it's worth. For example, we went on a nature walk today and 10 minutes in, she was tired and wanted to be carried, and was complaining about her shoes, etc. And now, for some reason, my DD5 doesn't want to go play in our yard anymore. I have to force her out, which is starting to create a battle of wills that might be creating a mountain out of a molehill--I'm not sure yet. It's like hanging out in the yard isn't interesting enough for her.


I don't know. Are we supposed to go out every single day, or is it OK to have days where we just need to be inside all day because we have stuff to do?


Oh, and having school outside isn't really an option. DD5 is WAY too distractible for that. A half-hour of reading and talking and a math lesson suddenly take twice as long, and I get twice as snippy :001_rolleyes:



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Sometimes the boys just rollerblade downstairs; I walk every morning.


To be honest, with kids your age, experiencing the world (even if it's just for ten minutes) would take priority for me. Sitting and looking at a flower at the edge of a parking lot is just fine, as is watching ants attack an apple core, or seeing (and discussing) how the sun sets.


Physical activity is very important to build strength, health and coordination. Here are some UK heart foundation guidelines - they are similar to the US ones, but the layout of this page is easier:




Getting outside and exercising also helps with attention spans. I am not naturally athletic, and one of my kids would much rather spend the day horizontal with a book, but our concentration is much improved if we all get out and exercise.


I'm with you on errands - I do as much shopping as I can on line.


Best wishes



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Between getting out to run errands and getting out to be outside.


I would be happy never running another errand again. The less of that you do, the better, in my opinion. If I could hire someone for ONE thing, I would do the housework and yardwork myself, but I would LOVE to hire someone for all the things that require parking in parking lots and shopping.


BUT, I also would be barking mad if forced to stay inside all day. If your children don't like it, then maybe that's just your families character and then it's fine. But for me, those daily walks, going to the park, just being under trees or on the grass, away from the phone and *playing* is important. I would make it part of the daily routine, but that's because I feel I need it and my children love it. Of course if you and your children don't enjoy nature walks at this age, there is not special "must do" rule.

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Have you ever looked at Charlotte Mason style nature study? It gives you a purpose for getting out and thet helps you to include it in your day.


If you can go for walks, bring a stroller for the little one. Give the kids a run down on the way things work before you leave the house. Tell toddler she can walk, but if she gets tired- have to get in stroller. Tell her that you all have your work to do. Make her a part of it. Bring a little pad and crayon for the toddler. Look for birds, or yellow flowers or what ever, and have her make a check mark on her paper when she sees one- keep her involved. Takes a few days to get a routine going, but then it's smooth (pretty smooth) going.


And Charlotte Mason was a great advocate for short lessons for younger children, too. I enjoyed many of her ideas.


If you like the idea of an outdoor lesson (since you've tried) you might find DD may be more attentive to the lesson after a walk. She'll have had time to look a round and probably be ready to relax and focus.


Every day won't be perfect, but if most days go sort of Ok, you're ahead of the game.:001_smile:

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Sometimes the boys just rollerblade downstairs; I walk every morning.


To be honest, with kids your age, experiencing the world (even if it's just for ten minutes) would take priority for me. Sitting and looking at a flower at the edge of a parking lot is just fine, as is watching ants attack an apple core, or seeing (and discussing) how the sun sets.



Getting outside and exercising also helps with attention spans. I am not naturally athletic, and one of my kids would much rather spend the day horizontal with a book, but our concentration is much improved if we all get out and exercise.



:iagree: Everyday! We walk, do school out on the terrace, make time to just sit and watch the clouds. My oldest is the hardest to get out the door, my youngest I have a hard time getting her back in! Life is so short, enjoy all of it.

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I get out to drive oldest dd to school (am only homeschooling the youngest this year) and back, to take the youngest to martial arts twice a week (hubby picks her up), and speech, band at local school, and to go buy food, weekly library trip, etc. Suburbia is dull.

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I always sent the kids outside for a while every day when they were small. We stayed home a lot, too. I thought a quiet home-life was important.


Now that they are older they do farm chores, so they get a little exercise and time outside each day. I also require they run for phy ed class--and it looks as though they will be on the homeschool cross country team next fall, so they will be running a lot this summer to prepare. My dd in college makes an effort to go outside for a walk each day. I exercise most days, too, so they see it as a way of life, not just something kids do.


I am preparing my eaglets for flight--so we are involved in a lot more activities now that they are older; I want them ready to go out into the world and survive the environment (LOL).


I have a busy schedule this year:


I drive an hour Monday and Friday to my dd's college (I've warned her that next year she'll need to buy herself a car if she wants to be home every weekend--she just has not liked dorm life at all this year!). I schedule my mom's doctor appointments in this city at the same time, so I don't have to make extra trips to the "big" city each week.


Tuesdays I drive an hour to CAP for the boys. They were suppose to car pool, but everyone else "can't" drive. Ugh. I usually take the time to stop and visit with my mom on the way--something I like to do each week. She's been in poor health. I also have time to do my shopping for supplies--and I get to sit at Borders reading and enjoying myself!


Wednesdays my kids work with the AWANA kids while I do grocery shopping and visit my in-laws.


Thursday nights I am frequently involved with my astronomy club--it depends upon the season of the year.


Saturday is often free--once a month 4-H, though.


Sunday is church and a day of rest.

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I am out too much and would love to never have to leave the house again unless I wanted too!



ME TOO!!!!


FWIW, the year my oldest was 8yo and my 4th was an infant, the kids played outside often, but we only went to church on Sunday and Wednesday, shopping when needed (probably once every week or two), and dr appts.


Now it's a RARE occasion if I go nowhere for even one day!

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There are some days that I stay inside all day long. The boys go out to play every day, weather permitting. I try to limit running around. We don't get as much schooling done when we have to run around too much.


Right now, we stay home on Wed. and Fri. The other 3 days during the week we have soccer and/or swimming. On Wed., one of the boys friend's comes over after school to stay until his mom gets off work so they play all afternoon with their friend.


For me, socially, it varies. I have been going to a sit and knit a couple evenings a month. We often go out as a family on the weekend for dinner with the above friend's family or we do a potluck with them.

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But I just moved to an area that is much smaller compared to where I lived before.


One of the ways I make things a little more palatable for the kids is through Sonic's Happy Hour. I don't do this all the time by any means, but if I'm out running around I might get them each a small slush (it's around $2 because from 2-4 drinks are half price). I used to go and get this for myself when I was pregnant with my last one practically every day. It was a reward for nothing really, I just craved Sonic! I have three kids, btw who are slush drinkers. I don't think Charlotte Mason could disagree with slushes, drinking is a natural function of life, and by extension "gentle learning". Well, learning about taste buds that is...


I do all of my shopping on Saturday mornings though, and I might get out one afternoon to do extraneous errands. Add to this church on Sunday and Wednesday night and I'm out a fair amount. Seldom alone though....


BTW, if you could find a park with a bunch of crazy squirrels or where the squirrels would come up to you and eat in front of you, that might interest your 5 and 2 y.o. equally. There is something cute about squirrels that kids just love...my 6 y.o.d.s. is enthralled by them.

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Outside vs. Out of the House


I'm out of the house about once every two weeks for errands/dr. appts./ortho./dentist etc. I try to do shopping/etc. on weekends or in the evenings as not to disrupt school.


Outside just depends on the weather and/or how bad the mosquitoes are that day. I actually get out more during the winter than I do in the summer here.



in MN with another 6-8 inches of snow today -- that makes almost 3 FEET for April

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