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College Graduation - (part of) Our Success Story

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Over the years I have been greatly encouraged by home school success stories, so wanted to share ours. Please keep in mind that "success" comes in all sorts of packages. Sometimes just getting a child excited about learning is a HUGE success, other times, we can celebrate with those that possess amazing skills or have had special achievements.


For me, I celebrated often - from the first time they read a sentence to getting acceptance (and scholarships) into college. The joy of watching them grow, learn and become young adults has been such a rich experience filled with awesome memories.


In a couple of weeks, we have a double college graduation. My oldest two daughters, both home school graduates, will be graduating from the University of Arizona.

My oldest is 21 and will be graduating a year early. She could have graduated even earlier than that, but switched majors once and spent some time in Italy (still in Italy, studied there this semester). A classical education served her well, as she has a tremendous love of literature, languages, art, and history. Her major is in English with a minor in Classics.


My middle daughter is 18. She graduated from home school high school and received her an Associates degree in Business at the age of 16. We never pushed her or had it as a goal for her to advance rapidly, we just let her pursue things at her own pace. She has two majors and will be receiving a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and in Entrepreneurship (and with honors, Summa Cum Laude). She has a accepted a job offer with a Fortune 50 company in their finance department. She starts in June, after her graduation present trip. (For graduation she wants to backpack in Europe with her parents...so come May 24th, off we go!)


There are so many milestones along the home school journey. There were times I thought we'd never get through Algebra, let alone the school year. If the old boards were up (I have not posted hardly at all on these newer boards), you'd see years of our ups and downs....celebrations and frustrations. I am thankful for being able to walk with so many of you through the years! Your encouragement has been such a constant. Thank you! For those of you that I do not know yet, I look forward to sharing the last two plus years of the home school high school journey with you (my youngest is finishing up 10th grade). She is not on the "fast track" like her sisters, and that is totally fine with us!! We have encouraged all the girls to go at the pace that works best for them, pursue their passions and to not measure themselves against anyone else!


I recently asked my oldest in Italy if she was glad she was home schooled and she responded with the following (keep in mind this is the opinion of a very opinionated 21 year old...laughs):

Me: "Are you glad you were home schooled?"

Her: "absolutely!

I would have it no other way!

If I had been a product of America's education system I would have been a sorry excuse of a human being... focusing more on the dramas of conflict rather than a full perspective of life outside my little world... these girls, here in Italy... fine example of the American tradition... not raised to be kind to others... nor open to others opinions... nor to more education beyond what is expected from them. Where is the passion? They have no idea what real passion is even like!!!!

They instead substitute sex as a carnal pleasure and cannot even comprehend a full love of life, thought, and art."


Thank you for letting me share a little part of our home school success story! The story continues...




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Me: "Are you glad you were home schooled?"

Her: "absolutely!

I would have it no other way!

If I had been a product of America's education system I would have been a sorry excuse of a human being... focusing more on the dramas of conflict rather than a full perspective of life outside my little world



You don't know how much I needed to hear this today! Thanks for sharing :)

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