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Post-Mirena fertility?

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I'm curious those who have had the Mirena IUD before, how long before things got back to normal?


I'm getting frustrated. I had my IUD removed the end of September...and still things are screwy with my cycles. I usually O around Cd 15, but since I've had the IUD out, I have been O'ing around CD 19-22. My last cycle was O on CD 22 and only 8 days after that my period started. I also spotting the majority of last month's cycle.


I'm never getting the Mirena again. :( I really didn't understand how it worked anyway. I thought it just suppressed ovulation. I didn't realize that you could ovulate on the Mirena, get a fertlized egg, but that it couldn't implant due to the Mirena. If you believe that life begins at conception, then its basically an abortive? (right word, I'm not sure...lol)


Anyway, just so frustrated with my cycles right now and hating the Mirena. I know three cycles isn't that much, but it's mostly the unknown of when the heck I'm going to ovulate. I also am not a very patient person at times, and its hard not to worry that maybe the Mirena has messed up my fertility royally and I may not even get PG for a year or more (stories I've hear other post-Mirenas tell).

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I'm never getting the Mirena again. :( I really didn't understand how it worked anyway. I thought it just suppressed ovulation. I didn't realize that you could ovulate on the Mirena, get a fertlized egg, but that it couldn't implant due to the Mirena. If you believe that life begins at conception, then its basically an abortive? (right word, I'm not sure...lol)


I had a discussion with my gyn about this, as I was curious, and she said that she was unsettled until reading a study wherein they had women who were scheduled for hysterectomies use that IUD or a similar one, and then have intercourse prior to the hysterectomy. Then they took cross-sections of the tubes after the hysterectomies. What they found is that no sperm (zero!) made it to the fallopian tubes because of an element in the IUD that acts as a spermicide. Basically, there isn't a chance that the sperm would make it to the tubes where conception occurs. This particular study made her more willing to insert them in the first place. The IUD is also supposed to suppress ovulation.


FWIW, I don't know anything else about them, having decided to go a different route. But perhaps that eases your conscience.

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In your situation I would find a holistic or natural dr and find out what the research says on that end.


Maybe it takes longer after IUD removal for cycles to return?? I know the Depo shots it takes more than 2 years to become fertile again. It took my SIL 5 yrs to be fertile again after her last Depo shot.



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The Mirena contains hormones similar to birth control pills. I would guess that it may take as much time to have normal cycles as it would after having gone off the pill.


The Paraguard does not contain hormones, which is the reason I chose it over the Mirena (x3). I was able to conceive within 1 to 2 months after having it removed.

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It took about 4 months for my cycle to get back to normal. As for fertility, I got pregnant the first month we "tried" and that was 5 months after removal. Hmmm, now that I think about it, maybe I wasn't all back to normal, but it didn't hurt my fertility. My dh said "why don't we just see what happens" and within 4 weeks I was throwing up with morning sickness. :)


I'll add that the pregnancy seemed to reset my system so to speak. I was so tired and moody all the time. I needed a nap everyday. I talked to my doctor about it, and he said I just had small kids and was too busy...blah blah blah. I feel better NOW with 3 kids than I had in the past 4 years!

Edited by MindyD
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I've not had the Mirena (or any type of b/c for that matter) but my ovulation did what OP's is until a midwife suggested I go on B6/BComplex. Ovulation went back to cd14 and AF didn't show for exactly 14 days afterward. I was thrilled to finally know when ovulation would happen so that's a suggestion from my end.


Now if only I could figure out how to get my cycle to come back while bfing... :glare:

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