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A funny about s*x ed with my boys

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So, inspired by the recent threads and book recs for kids, I ordered book 2 of the "God's Design for S*x" series. It arrived today and I got dh on board. We sat down with our 10 and almost 8 yo boys to read it together. I did very well until I got to the actual s*x mechanics part, when I was struck by a fit of giggles repeatedly and had to pass off the book to dh to read. :tongue_smilie: I am not shy nor a prude, and I have talked about very intimate topics in my 20 year career as a therapist. I have no idea what was wrong with me!:lol: Thought that some here might appreciate this story...


(BTW, both boys were nonplussed, and the older one said that I had already told him all of that information. I honestly don't recall...:tongue_smilie:)

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Nice to hear that I am not alone! (Overall, it went just fine, but I tried and tried to get my giggles under control and couldn't so I finally just gave up.) Dh, of course, found my hilarity hilarious.:tongue_smilie:


Something in the way part of the explanation was worded struck me as funny, too, which didn't help.:lol: Oh well, it's done!:D

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:lol: Yeah, that is pretty funny, Nance! He is a curious little guy for a four year old, huh? The part about him coming out your "male part" was my favorite part!:lol: (Once, when I told my then-five year old that I had to go to the bathroom so bad I thought I would pee my pants, he advised me to hold my "male part" so it wouldn't come out.:tongue_smilie:Had to break the news to him that I didn't have one of those.)


The part of the book that made my husband go "AHHHH!" was a very nicely drawn non graphic picture showing a baby coming out of the mom. No blood, no hair, no graphic representations. But dh didn't even watch our own babies come out of there so he was horrified.:D My boys are familiar with the proper word for that part because of my five year old dd. She frequently uses that word. (One of the benefits of having mixed gender kids who are young...)

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That is funny. It reminded me of a comment from my oldest right after his dad had "the talk" with him when he was 9. We told our boys that we were expecting and he looked at us with horror on his face. "You did that - with children in the house?!" :001_smile:

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This happened to us last year. We were having "the talk"; hubby got to the big reveal, disbelieving/surprised/bewildered look on son's face, and I lost it. Son and I were rolling in laughter; husband left shaking his head. I think it made the whole thing a great experience.


Awesome!:lol: No one was laughing but me - wish I had had some company! The boys didn't find it weird or embarrassing, which is a plus, but they didn't find it hysterical, either (as I evidently do:lol:).


My dh was good to participate and give feedback, etc...at one point, he asked the boys how many kids we had. When they answered, he said, "So we know a lot about s*x, right?" He wasn't trying to be funny, but that cracked me right up.:D

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I have to look through the books ahead of time to prepare myself. But, I could totally see the conversation degenerating if dh was present to give me looks. He feels TOTALLY lucky to be the only male and is not involved IN ANY WAY in those discussions. He just shudders and walks off. :glare:


As a sidenote: After an interesting day, the girls were having to pay me a dollar to tattle. Every single time, I would remind them and they would turn around and stop what they were saying. Older dd came in and slammed down a dollar and said "She called me a peni$." The word and the tattling situation made it hysterical. dh was telling the story around and had several people (including my MIL) ask how they knew what that was. dh and I were both surprised at their reaction. And I haven't even told as much as some people on here have described. Basic information about how boys and girls are different and where babies come from. It seems that many people really do tell their kids nothing and wait for them to just learn it on their own.

Edited by snickelfritz
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That is funny. It reminded me of a comment from my oldest right after his dad had "the talk" with him when he was 9. We told our boys that we were expecting and he looked at us with horror on his face. "You did that - with children in the house?!" :001_smile:


:lol: This almost made me spit coffee.


When my oldest was about 8, her older cousin gave her all the scoop about the mechanics. She later asked if we were going to have another baby (at the time, I thought not - baby #3 had just been born) so I told her "no". She said, "Oh yeah, you would have to do that "baby thing", like it was something to be dreaded.:lol:

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I have to look through the books ahead of time to prepare myself. But, I could totally see the conversation degenerating if dh was present to give me looks. He feels TOTALLY lucky to be the only male and is not involved IN ANY WAY in those discussions. He just shudders and walks off. :glare:


It was the looks that did me in.:lol: He thought he was being so funny giving me these sideways looks and reaching around one of the boys with his arm and poking me in the back while I was reading.:tongue_smilie: I did rescue him when he got to the page in which the baby was born and take over again. For some reason, that part was not hysterical to me.:lol:

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When Catherine was 2.5, she was VERY inquisitive about the human body. She was into platelets and clotting, the process of digestion, white blood cells fighting infection, anatomy, and reproduction. It was just simpler and made sense to just tell her the answers to what she asked, and she asked more and more details, so she had wound up with a VERY detailed understanding of how this all got started, the relative sizes of sperm and eggs, amniotic fluid, the role of the placenta, the various exit strategies of the baby, etc.


She was up in front of the congregation during the children's sermon, sitting next to the pastor. He was talking about Jesus coming from heaven to be with us, and Catherine said, "Jesus came as a baby!" Pastor Mark thinks this is very sweet and says, "Yes, He certainly did!" But to his chagrin, Cathrine proceeded to explain where babies come from in all of her professor like detail, ending with, "But it wasn't like that for Jesus, because the Holy Spirit was the real daddy." The pastor keeps trying to interrupt her, but in two year old fashion, she just gets louder and louder, and his clip on mike picks it all up.


I about died.

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This reminds me of something funny that happened to PDG last week at school. Not that it couldn't have been disastrous, but the way it turned out was funny.


PDG and another little girl were playing a chase game on the playground after school with a couple of boys, who are generally really nice, but definitely BOYS.


I heard a commotion, and PDG was in a scrabble with one of the boys. She was holding her own. She came over and yelled at me, "he was trying to pull down my pants!" (Yikes.)


Both myself and the boy's mom ran over and got it sorted out.


Turns out, the night before the boy and his little brother "a talk" with their Dad about reproduction. They had asked about differences between boys and girls. Dad had told them that boys produce sp*rm and girls produce eggs.


The reason they had tried to pull down PDGs pants was so that they could see her lay an egg. Like a chicken. Now, thankfully, they weren't successful with the pants (much to the credit of PDG's rather sufficient fightin' skills thanks to her Dad). But honestly, I couldn't stop laughing for about an hour.

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When Catherine was 2.5, she was VERY inquisitive about the human body. She was into platelets and clotting, the process of digestion, white blood cells fighting infection, anatomy, and reproduction. It was just simpler and made sense to just tell her the answers to what she asked, and she asked more and more details, so she had wound up with a VERY detailed understanding of how this all got started, the relative sizes of sperm and eggs, amniotic fluid, the role of the placenta, the various exit strategies of the baby, etc.


She was up in front of the congregation during the children's sermon, sitting next to the pastor. He was talking about Jesus coming from heaven to be with us, and Catherine said, "Jesus came as a baby!" Pastor Mark thinks this is very sweet and says, "Yes, He certainly did!" But to his chagrin, Cathrine proceeded to explain where babies come from in all of her professor like detail, ending with, "But it wasn't like that for Jesus, because the Holy Spirit was the real daddy." The pastor keeps trying to interrupt her, but in two year old fashion, she just gets louder and louder, and his clip on mike picks it all up.


I about died.


:lol::lol: ohhh my....:grouphug:

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When Catherine was 2.5, she was VERY inquisitive about the human body. She was into platelets and clotting, the process of digestion, white blood cells fighting infection, anatomy, and reproduction. It was just simpler and made sense to just tell her the answers to what she asked, and she asked more and more details, so she had wound up with a VERY detailed understanding of how this all got started, the relative sizes of sperm and eggs, amniotic fluid, the role of the placenta, the various exit strategies of the baby, etc.


She was up in front of the congregation during the children's sermon, sitting next to the pastor. He was talking about Jesus coming from heaven to be with us, and Catherine said, "Jesus came as a baby!" Pastor Mark thinks this is very sweet and says, "Yes, He certainly did!" But to his chagrin, Cathrine proceeded to explain where babies come from in all of her professor like detail, ending with, "But it wasn't like that for Jesus, because the Holy Spirit was the real daddy." The pastor keeps trying to interrupt her, but in two year old fashion, she just gets louder and louder, and his clip on mike picks it all up.


I about died.


:lol: Part of what I love about kids is their unfailing honesty.:D

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The reason they had tried to pull down PDGs pants was so that they could see her lay an egg. Like a chicken. Now, thankfully, they weren't successful with the pants (much to the credit of PDG's rather sufficient fightin' skills thanks to her Dad). But honestly, I couldn't stop laughing for about an hour.


:lol: What a story to recall to her memory in the future!

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