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Is anybody else dealing with allergies right now?

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Today was a terrible day for me regarding my allergies. My head was all congested, I could barely breathe, my nose kept running, and I started sneezing at the end of the day. Oh bleh! :thumbdown:


Yes, and as I get older they last longer. . .My symptoms are different from yours, however. Mine is "all in my head" (more sinus related, but allergens cause the reactions all the same). Massive headaches, my cheekbones feel as if they'll explode, my teeth as if they become projectiles from my jaws. . .


Oh, the joys!

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we're taking one teaspoon of local honey, plus half a teaspoon of not-local honey that is unprocessed and from an organic environment. You need to find honey that is white it possible, because it hasn't been watered down.

one of my daughters, who is always on claritin at this point, hasn't needed any meds. I haven't needed any either... my other daughter needs meds occassionally. I'm the type to get bad sinus infections from my allergies, and it hasn't happened yet.


worth a try, hth!


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My allergies are the worst in Spring and Fall. I am probably allergic to everything that grows -- including all animals :001_smile:


I don't know what happened, but they used to be much worse when I was younger. (I spent one whole year covered in hives, taking 10 meds a day trying to get them to go away, and then just as mysteriously as they appeared, they disappeared!!) Then I had a pretty bad incident with allergies/asthma and was hospitalized for a few days. I was put on some pretty potent medicine for a while and have gradually weaned myself off them.


I still have allergies, but they are now mild instead of extreme. There are days in Spring and Fall that I still need my prescription, but most days I can skip it. I don't know what happened, so I have no advice. But I wanted to let you know that with lots of prayer and patience, allergies can get better!! :001_smile:

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YES!!!!! Me and my 9 yo ds are having an AWFUL time of it lately!


As someone who has suffered with allergies all my life (and I do mean SUFFER!!! OY!), I found a combo that really works for me when it gets this bad.


1. Claritin ready tabs -- I take 2 a day, every 12 hours. Doc. says it's fine.


2. Two advil -- it helps w/the inflamation of the nasal cavity, eyes, and throat, which really calms things down.


3. Allergy eye drops -- two drops in each eye as needed.


I find that when I do all 3 things together, the allergies clear up rather quickly.


Hope this helps!

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I wanted to stop taking Allegra because of it suppressing the immune system. I have been using Quercetin and aller-7 from vitacost.com along with drinking lots of water to flush out histamines. These things have made it so that I only have to take 1-2 benadryls the entire allergy season.

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I take Zyrtec at night (OTC now, yeah!!!) and Sudafed during the day. I'm still congested though and my reactive asthma thing is flaring up in response. I'm so happy to see nice weather though. I'm keeping a few windows open even though I know I shouldn't. It's hard to resist!


Hope you feel better soon--


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