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secular science


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So far we are really enjoying Galore Park's So You Really Want to Learn Science. It's secular and covers Bio/Chem/Phys. I have level 1 & 2. Dd12 is currently using level 2 and dd7 will use level 1 for 4th. Looks like they are in the works on a Jr. level as well. Here is the page to look at samples.



I order either from Ray at Horrible Bks http://www.horriblebooks.com/

25% off with ~$7 shipping

Or the Bk Depository at http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/WEBSITE/WWW/WEBPAGES/homepage.php

free shipping.

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Guest Lorna

We are really enjoying The Elements by Ellen McHenry (An introduction to chemistry for grades 4-8). There is a follow up Carbon Chemistry (An introduction to organic chemistry and biochemistry for grades 5-9) which she has just brought out. They are packed full of activities and teach complex concepts so well. She also has lots of free samples on her site, including the first chapter of 'The Elements'.


There are also a couple of good science blogs that discuss options for secular science at home:


Home Chemistry

There are suggestions here for secular science books and inspiration.


Travelling Jews

This is a link to their review of secular science products. They also have some wonderful posts about a forensic science project their children have been following. The mother is a retired physician so expect lots of medical fun!


Socks and Books

This is us! We are just finishing off with 'The Elements' and so you can get a taste of how it works with a ten and twelve year old by scrolling down to see previous posts.


I also highly recommend the Well Trained Mind suggestions for middle school biology, Earth science and physics - the 'How ___Works' series published by Dorling Kindersley. The material is challenging and not textbook dry.

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Prentice Hall has an excellent middle school science series. There are about 9 books. You choose the topics you want to cover. I believe 3 books is about one year's worth of science. At least that's the way we did it.


It's a middle school level series. We supplement with other books from the library to get a full, rounded picture of the topic we're studying, but this is a great spine for secular science. There are 15 books in all and they cover the 4 years of the WTM science cycle beautifully. Here's a link to their website: http://www.phschool.com/atschool/science_explorer/


I believe that there's someone selling all 15 of the Prentice Hall books over on the sale/swap board, but you can also find them cheap at Amazon.com, thriftbooks.com, eBay, etc.

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Guest Lorna
How long did shipping take on your order from McHenry?


I think that it was about one to two weeks (but we are in Denmark!). I have just ordered 'Carbon Chemistry' about two weeks ago and haven't heard back. Maybe she is on holiday. Most of our American curriculum takes months though so I am actually really amazed about before!

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They are text bks, the actually curriculum. I have a number I bought used on Amazon. My daughter finished five of them over the year. She is not a big "lab" type, so she read the chapters, we talked about the topics, and she answered the questions. I will be doing the labs when dd7 is ready (my science kid :001_smile:)

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  • 3 weeks later...

My ds and I are enjoying the CPO science books written for the California middle school market.


I like it because it stresses underestanding the basic science before launching into more advanced stuff (We're currently studying earth science). It's philosophy is building a strong underpining, not covering everything a mile wide and an inch deep.


My ds likes it because the text layout is not busy, it's easy to read and understand, the underlying science is throughly covered and the graphics are clear.


We switched from Prentice Hall mid-year.

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