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Parakeet in my yard. What to do?

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Hey guys,

I'm coming out of exile to ask whether anyone knows what to do with a domesticated bird that's in the wild.

It has a band on its leg and is very beautiful.

We don't know where it came from. We live in a big neighborhood, but we don't really know many people. It doesn't belong to anyone we know.

We have never had a bird and don't have anyplace to "store" a bird.


Any ideas? I think we will need to just leave it outside and hope for the best. It seems to be camping out in my yard for now, so maybe it will stay here til someone comes looking. I'm concerned about cats and possums and stuff like that overnight.


This is tough because dh and I aren't really animal people and I don't want to touch it or whatever because...well animals make me nervous.

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I don't have any seeds. I have popcorn. Can it eat that? I just sent the kids out with water. Maybe I'll call that pet shop down the road. Hmm....no time for this at all right now....cooking dinner...need to leave the house in 45 minutes...my mother is p.o.'d because we haven't called for her birthday yet...grrrrrr... Do you have a bird cage?

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Escaped pets, unless they have clipped wings, are not easy to catch. It will depend a lot on how tame s/he is.




Put a cage in your yard with feed/water in it. Rig up a string to the door and try to see if your little friend will venture in (admittedly, this is unlikely, but the kids might enjoy trying).


Figure out where s/he roosts at night, and try to capture it after dark (again, good luck), as birds don't see well after dark and are much less likely to fly then.


Check Craig's list to see if anyone has listed missing a bird.




BTW, why are you in exile?

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Our neighbors found a blue parakeet and gave it , wrapped in an old sweatshirt, to us as they knew we had an old bird cage (part of our Halloween decorations - it usually hang from the porch with a Styrofoam skull in a clown wig in it...but I digress). We ended up buying a nicer. larger cage AND another bird, a green one, to keep the first bird company. Then, due to our four cats, we had to get a strong hook to hang the cage high enough in a corner of the dining room where the cats could not get to it. Now we have two noisy birds living and pooping and throwing seed around int he corner of the dining room - btw, most vacuums do NOT get the round seed up off the floor!. Last time hubby had to make a work call from home he was accused of being on vacation in Florida by the person on the other end of the line, due to all the bird noises in the background.


Our free bird has cost us over $100 so far......and we never wanted one to begin with! But it keeps the cats entertained.


So think twice about taking the bird in.....:D

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You don't live anywhere near me, do you?


If you did, you could call my boys. They LOVE parakeets. They'd be right over with their cage and birdseed, and all their expertise.


Keets can also eat little slices of boiled eggs, or fruit (no tomatoes!) or veggies. Cheerios can work in a pinch. We had one that loved carrots.

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I have caught several parakeets out in the wild, lost- when I was young and had time to do stuff like that.


I found that a simple cartoon inspired box trap, you know the kind with a stick holding it up and a string...works great. Once you have it caught, have someone help you lift it and use a towel to catch it.


I always worried they wouldn't be able to find food for themselves.


good luck.

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A parakeet would be so much fun to own! If you go oustide and hold out your arm, will it come down out of the tree?


Actually, it will be just fine living in the "wild". While in Heidelburg, Germany we noticed a parrot population that lived over by the Army Hospital. We were told that the people would leave their windows open (no screens in Germany), and the birds would fly away. Somehow, they have managed to survive in that particular climate and multiply. Weird.


All this to say that the parakeet will probably be just fine. The weather is warm and there are plenty of things around to eat.


Best of luck!




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Thanks, everyone!!

As we sat here considering all of our options the parakeet flew the coop!

The kids said that two blackbirds came along and chased it away. (I don't know if that's entirely accurate information though.)

So anyway, we'll keep our eyes open to see if it comes back. It would be cool to see something like that just hanging around the yard. It was really, really beautiful, and you know it was used to human contact because it let us get super close. If I'd been bold enough to put my finger out I'll bet it would have climbed on, but I already told you I'm not an animal person!


Thanks again!:D

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It's a self imposed exile. I love you guys, but I am here too much.

So this is my attempt to pull back a bit. I can't believe how much I accomplished in my house today!





Make me feel like a spineless boardaholic. I kinda figured it was something along those lines.


You'll be missed, you know. Already have been in my book. But, I totally respect your decision. Therefore, I will not taunt you by posting things about Sondheim musicals and random parakeet how-to. :D



Best wishes on a very accomplished week!

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Make me feel like a spineless boardaholic. I kinda figured it was something along those lines.


You'll be missed, you know. Already have been in my book. But, I totally respect your decision. Therefore, I will not taunt you by posting things about Sondheim musicals and random parakeet how-to. :D



Best wishes on a very accomplished week!



Well if it makes you feel any better, I was away from Monday through yesterday. So I wasn't here slaving away at home, I was on an awesome retreat in Maryland where I got to hang out with Laney!!!


And no talking of Sondheim. That is just hitting below the belt. Talk about Andrew Lloyd Webber all you want, though! ;)


I'll be here, I promise!!!!! :):):)

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Well if it makes you feel any better, I was away from Monday through yesterday. So I wasn't here slaving away at home, I was on an awesome retreat in Maryland where I got to hang out with Laney!!!


And no talking of Sondheim. That is just hitting below the belt. Talk about Andrew Lloyd Webber all you want, though! ;)


I'll be here, I promise!!!!! :):):)



You and Elaine were together in Maryland??? What part? How'd I miss that one? Sounds awesome! Did you know that's where I live -- Maryland, that is, not Awesome!? Did you know Pam and I were together in NC on Sunday of this past weekend? Such fun, huh, to meet and spend time with our board pals.

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Well if it makes you feel any better, I was away from Monday through yesterday. So I wasn't here slaving away at home, I was on an awesome retreat in Maryland where I got to hang out with Laney!!!


And no talking of Sondheim. That is just hitting below the belt. Talk about Andrew Lloyd Webber all you want, though! ;)


I'll be here, I promise!!!!! :):):)



That's right Dawg! ;)


It was so wonderful to see you! I'm here and it's not the weekend. I'm a loser, I caved.:lol:

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You and Elaine were together in Maryland??? What part? How'd I miss that one? Sounds awesome! Did you know that's where I live -- Maryland, that is, not Awesome!? Did you know Pam and I were together in NC on Sunday of this past weekend? Such fun, huh, to meet and spend time with our board pals.


Yup, I'll pm ya!!

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That's right Dawg! ;)


It was so wonderful to see you! I'm here and it's not the weekend. I'm a loser, I caved.:lol:



It was really wonderful to see you too!!!

No, no, you didn't cave. You just had a sense that your name had been mentioned so you needed to jump in. Right?

Okay, that's it for me. I'm not supposed to be here, so away I go!! :auto:

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