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question about my dd eyes -

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She doesn't have any allergies, they aren't red or puffy at all. but she says they have been stinging and "achy" for about a week now. worse in the morning and evening.


The only thing I noticed was that she seemed to have bigger than normal dark circles around them earlier this week -which I attributed to not getting enough sleep since she had been at her grandparents over the weekend. And they don't look as bad now.


But she still is complaining about them bothering her.


No vision issues, no spots or blurring or anything. Says they hurt to move them around and she's blinking constantly because they sting. She doesn't wear contacts or glasses.


Is this weird or what?


I'm taking her to the eye Dr. Monday if they don't get better by then, but in the mean time, any ideas?


I haven't tried any remedies, because I just have no clue. And the lack of visible symptoms has not kept it in my mind, unfortunately.


She's almost 13




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Sounds like allergies to me too. You could also try a combination of Benadryl and ibuprofen and see if they feel better. Of course, she can't be on Benadryl all the time, but more use it more as a test or when she really needs relief. I have the same symptoms and that's what makes mine better - as well as Claritan.

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Yep, sounds like allergies. The dark circles are often called 'allergic shiners' and area a common marker for allergies. Mold is a common allergen in damp, winter climates.


The eye pain, could be sinus pressure. The stinging, could be a symptom of the reaction (mast cells breaking down) the body has to the allergen or due to debris in the eye like pollen or air born debris like cotton wood (it pollinates in the fall here but I don't know what it is like where you live).


The eye doctor will likely have her start with a trial of allergy meds first if he doesn't see anything medically eye related to cause the problems.

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Those are the symptoms I get when I'm having trouble with my dry eyes. Especially the frequent blinking. If the eye is dry there is not as much lubricant as it needs and can cause stinging. The frequent blinking is a way the eye uses to try to get it to make more lubricant. I have that problem a lot when the air is dry or I've been reading a lot. It would be less harmful to try the eye drops first instead of the allergy medicine. She might have to use them frequently at first. When she goes to the eye Dr, he can do a test to see if it is dry eye or allergies and you'll know for sure how to treat it but for now if it were my daughter I'd go with the eye drops. My Dr recommended Systane and they do seem better than some of the other ones I've used.

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Thank you so much for your replies! It is always comforting to have someone say "oh I know about that" or whatever.:001_smile:


We live in the NW and it is raining like crazy here, but I guess she could be dried out from being inside all of the time - you know, running the heater nonstop. We'll try the drops for sure.


I don't know what she could be allergic to, all of the sudden KWIM? But I guess the Dr. will have more ideas.


Should I be taking her to the regular clinic, or the optometrist?


Thanks again


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My dd started blinking excessively shortly after we moved to TX. The pediatrician said it was allergies, and allergy medicine helped. She pulled back her lower lid and pointed out the "cobblestoning". Basically, it was bumpy and irritated looking. My other dd, without allergies, is pink and smooth there.


Thanks to those of you who mentioned dry eyes. Dd has recently started the blinking again, while on the antihistamine. I wonder if it could be from running the heater. Maybe I'll try moisturizing drops too.

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