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menopause? Or am I just going crazy?

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man, I don't even know where to start! I feel like I'm going CRAZY!!!


First of all, normally my cycles are very irregular and I never track them. I've gone as long as 48 days between cycles and almost always go over 28 days. My cycles have changed drastically and I know this is perimenopause. But now they are SO close together. I've heard this can happen.


But the thing that's really concerning me is this. And I'm quite certain it started with my past cycle three weeks ago. My emotions are just driving me insane! I'm normally not like this AT ALL!!! My tolerance level is low, my emotions are high, etc. I literally feel unstable. I asked one friend about it yesterday and she said she feels the same way.


I'm worried. As menopause gets closer, will this get worse?


I'm really tired of crying. My eyes need a break! And my poor llama. I lectured (screamed at) a llama a few nights ago. really? Dd11 just looked at me all confused as if to say, "She LOOKS like my mom, but that's NOT her!"



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It is hormones. I am well into perimenopause and I am an absolute nutter two weeks out of the month. My cycle is still regular but it is a much shorter cycle then it used to be. There are some herbal teas that may help with some of the symptoms.


I would go to the doctor to confirm if you are in menopause.

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man, I don't even know where to start! I feel like I'm going CRAZY!!!


First of all, normally my cycles are very irregular and I never track them. I've gone as long as 48 days between cycles and almost always go over 28 days. My cycles have changed drastically and I know this is perimenopause. But now they are SO close together. I've heard this can happen.


But the thing that's really concerning me is this. And I'm quite certain it started with my past cycle three weeks ago. My emotions are just driving me insane! I'm normally not like this AT ALL!!! My tolerance level is low, my emotions are high, etc. I literally feel unstable. I asked one friend about it yesterday and she said she feels the same way.


I'm worried. As menopause gets closer, will this get worse?


I'm really tired of crying. My eyes need a break! And my poor llama. I lectured (screamed at) a llama a few nights ago. really? Dd11 just looked at me all confused as if to say, "She LOOKS like my mom, but that's NOT her!"




Hey Denise, YEP, welcome to the world of M!!!!!!!!! :D


Will it get worse? Well, you just started these symptoms, right?

Truly, no one can say if it will get worse b/c EACH woman is different. If you're experiencing symptoms now, then it may be likely it will get worse before it gets better.


I thought I was going mad, insane.......ready to commit myself. :glare: :001_smile:


Remember this is a "stage" a transition which requires patience now! So, sit back, strap in and get reaaaaaaaady!:lol:


You know, I truly did feel as you/I mentioned. Start taking vit e around 1,000 IU/day, don't drink caffeine or cut back and take other measures to help alleviate your symptoms.


I decided NOT to use the chemicals/pills b/c they are synthetic and risk carriers. If that is not a concern to you then by all means start popping those babies...you'll find relief in time no matter how it comes about.


HTH. Sheryl <><


PS....I'm over 50 and have had these symptoms about 10 years. At about the 8th year the symptoms started to subside some. **** Repeat: each woman is different, so you may go through it better, worse or the same as the next woman!

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Yup, you're crazy.


No doubt about it. ;)


It sounds like the Big M to me, but I remember that my gyn told me that I should come and see him if I had any heavy bleeding after less than 20 days from my last period. (Did that make sense? If your periods are fewer than 20 days apart and are heavy, see your doctor.)


He said it would still probably turn out to be nothing, but that it was something to get checked out, because it wouldn't be considered normal, even for a crazy woman in her mid-40's like me.



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My emotions are just driving me insane! I'm normally not like this AT ALL!!! My tolerance level is low, my emotions are high, etc. I literally feel unstable.


You've just described me to a T. I attribute it to menopause (I'm 51), but who knows? I could just be one crazy mother. ;):D

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well, ladies, I guess we are all just crazy. ;) My changes in my cycles started YEARS ago, but the changes in my moods are very recent. I really can't handle them. And I'm not one to over think, I've put serious work into myself not allowing that. But now? :svengo:


the past two months my cycles have been extremely different for me. And after my last cycle, the moods. I really can't stand this AT ALL. Unstable is how I feel.

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It is hormones. I am well into perimenopause and I am an absolute nutter two weeks out of the month. My cycle is still regular but it is a much shorter cycle then it used to be. There are some herbal teas that may help with some of the symptoms.


I would go to the doctor to confirm if you are in menopause.


isn't there some sort of blood test they can do to check your hormone levels?


Hey Denise, YEP, welcome to the world of M!!!!!!!!! :D


I thought I was going mad, insane.......ready to commit myself.





AARRGGHH!!! This is ME!


Yup, you're crazy.


No doubt about it.




You've just described me to a T. I attribute it to menopause (I'm 51), but who knows? I could just be one crazy mother.



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isn't there some sort of blood test they can do to check your hormone levels?



I think there is, but I seem to recall having heard from my gyn that the results aren't very useful because your hormone levels fluctuate so much. (I think I'd asked about it because I was wondering if you could tell for sure whether or not you were in perimenopause.)


If you're getting due for your yearly gyn exam, I think your doctor can tell you more from the exam than from a blood test. (And I think we would all agree that the blood test would be a far more pleasant experience. I think my gyn is the absolute best, but I told him a few months ago that as much as I like seeing him once a year, maybe we could start getting together for lunch instead of internal exams. ;))



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I was happy to check in with my doctor and take low dose prescription hormones for a couple of years to get over the roughest times.


if my emotions continue like this, I will look for the cream where you go to a compounding pharmacist and it's made specifically for you. I have read GREAT stuff about that.

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I think there is, but I seem to recall having heard from my gyn that the results aren't very useful because your hormone levels fluctuate so much. (I think I'd asked about it because I was wondering if you could tell for sure whether or not you were in perimenopause.)


If you're getting due for your yearly gyn exam, I think your doctor can tell you more from the exam than from a blood test. (And I think we would all agree that the blood test would be a far more pleasant experience. I think my gyn is the absolute best, but I told him a few months ago that as much as I like seeing him once a year, maybe we could start getting together for lunch instead of internal exams. ;))




I can't recall what the conversation was, but I wanted to know a couple of years back where I stood because of all the changes in my cycle. We never did do a blood test and I trust her judgment 100%, I just don't remember why.


I love her, too, but I absolutely DREAD those appts. I'm with you. I'd rather meet her for lunch!


I did some reading today and found that ALL emotions are on a larger scale during this time. Happiness, sadness, anger, ALL of them.


Now I believe there are two design flaws with the human body. Menopause being the second. My first was that I thought kid's voices should come with a shut off button.:lol:

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You are writing about me!! My mother had a complete hysterectomy at 40 so I have nothing to judge by -- I'm 38 (which I think is a bit young.) I had hoped it wasn't because I am transitioning from a part-time job to full-time homeschooling mom. I've decided it's definitely hormones. My husband says he will pay anything to help me -- ha, ha. I do plan on seeing a naturalpath soon, though and am hoping it will help.

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