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Teachers Lounge! 12-6-2010

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Here we are again!



What's for lunch? Me: not much of anything as I'm a bit under the weather, so to speak.



What's your weather? Me: haven't been outside so I don't really know other than the sun is shining. Inside, my toes are cold, despite having fuzzy socks on, and I'm wearing a long sleeved fleece pullover.



What drives you nuts? Me: when I think someone is looking over my shoulder while I'm typing something on the computer!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Here we are again!

It does seem to come around daily, being here! :lol:



What's for lunch? Me: not much of anything as I'm a bit under the weather, so to speak.

I had a tangerine! Kids are pouring water over their Cup of Noodles!


What's your weather? Me: haven't been outside so I don't really know other than the sun is shining. Inside, my toes are cold, despite having fuzzy socks on, and I'm wearing a long sleeved fleece pullover.

It was raining sideways for hours, but the sun is peeking out and a breeze is drying everything up!! 58 degrees according to the puter! I might pull off an hour walk!


What drives you nuts? Me: when I think someone is looking over my shoulder while I'm typing something on the computer!

Repeating the same thing over and over drives me nuts. Oh I am nuts, that is right I homeschool!!


Talk to me! :bigear:


That all said, I went to bed at midnight, and awoke at 3am to my hubby retching. This is a man who has in the 24 years I have known him thrown up 3 times. He pulls muscles, breaks blood vessels in his eyelids, and neck from the violent spasms. I am wondering if instead of walking, I might go nap!

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Lunch: Kids had pb and banana, veggie straws, cheese, hummus and carrots. I had a spicy black bean veggie burger & veggie straws.


Weather: Uhh... too cold for me! It's about 32 and mostly cloudy. Brrrr...


What drives me nuts: Today? In general? Other than people driving under the speed limit? :D How about the hormonal melt-downs of the 9 year old?

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I'll add on to my "what drives you nuts": within the past month or so, I've found myself, two or three times, behind people driving Mustangs who.do.not.know.how.to.use.it. Twice, if not three times, I've found myself at a stoplight, waiting behind drivers of Mustangs who, when the light turns green, take their own sweet time getting up to the speed limit. If you're in a truck or a van or a utility vehicle, okay. But for Heaven's sake, YOU ARE IN A MUSTANG! SPEED UP! Now to go in search of dark chocolate to lower my blood pressure . . .

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I'll add on to my "what drives you nuts": within the past month or so, I've found myself, two or three times, behind people driving Mustangs who.do.not.know.how.to.use.it. Twice, if not three times, I've found myself at a stoplight, waiting behind drivers of Mustangs who, when the light turns green, take their own sweet time getting up to the speed limit. If you're in a truck or a van or a utility vehicle, okay. But for Heaven's sake, YOU ARE IN A MUSTANG! SPEED UP! Now to go in search of dark chocolate to lower my blood pressure . . .


:lol: Sounds like something I'd say. As a matter of fact, I'm sure I've said this very thing.

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I'm having leftovers from last night for lunch - basil tilapia, brown rice and kale. I don't know what the kids are having - I'm at the office. I did get up and make them waffles for breakfast.


Weather - ugh gray, cold, looks like snow, but no snow.


What drive me nuts? besides leaving for work without my computer and having to drive back home? Well, it is dirty socks on the floor.

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I'll add on to my "what drives you nuts": within the past month or so, I've found myself, two or three times, behind people driving Mustangs who.do.not.know.how.to.use.it. Twice, if not three times, I've found myself at a stoplight, waiting behind drivers of Mustangs who, when the light turns green, take their own sweet time getting up to the speed limit. If you're in a truck or a van or a utility vehicle, okay. But for Heaven's sake, YOU ARE IN A MUSTANG! SPEED UP! Now to go in search of dark chocolate to lower my blood pressure . . .


*sigh* I want a Mustang.

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Lunch: Mac -n- cheese and apple slices

Weather: Cold (for us in TX the upper 40's is cold!) and sun shining. It's actually quite a beautiful day.

Bugging me right now: A 10yo who will. not. focus. on her math so we can go outside and enjoy the day!!!


Whatcha reading right now? I'm about to start Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.

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My oldest is sick, so she's been having tea and toast for lunch. Younger ones had PB&J and fruit. I had tuna salad with a sprinkle of Chipotle chili powder and toast.


Weather is nice and sunny.


Bugging me right now: We have a very busy week - field trips, Christmas parties etc. and Monday started with high fever and puking. I hate canceling all the fun stuff.

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Lunch: one had turkey and cheese roll-ups, grape tomatoes, carrot sticks, and broccoli. Another had a grilled cheese with carrot sticks and broccoli. Me, leftover chicken bruschetta casserole from dinner last night and carrot sticks.


Weather: cold (only 36 degrees in NC) but sunny.


What's bugging me today: my oldest who is making poor choices and taking the entire day to complete 2 hours of work.


Reading: I'm about to start Hunger Games, and I'm eager to begin it after the great reviews I've heard on here and in other places.

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Reading: I'm about to start Hunger Games, and I'm eager to begin it after the great reviews I've heard on here and in other places.


Ohh... I loved! Hope you have Catching Fire and Mockingjay at the ready!


I missed the reading section when I responded. Just started Children of Men by PD James.

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Lunch: Mac and Cheese (the kids kept thanking me for making something warm. Hee hee)


Weather: COLD (for here) but beautifully sunny. And tonight it is supposed to drop to 19, so the boys and I will be bundling up to march in the town Christmas parade tonight. I can't believe it was 70 here last week.


Driving me nuts: Me. My parents are coming in two days. It will be the second time that they visited since we've lived here, and I am having a hard time controlling my perfectionist tendencies. Plus, I'm getting sick. Off to take a nap...

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Lunch - I had black bean soup with a huge dollop of plain, no sugar at all, yogurt. Technically the black bean soup is not on my candida diet. I chose to eat it instead of starving. I'm hoping that the yogurt will help the horrible leg cramps that I've had since cutting out my normal dairy from my diet for this candida diet. And yes, I'm taking lots of Cal-Mag too.


Weather - grey (or is that gray?)


Driving me nuts - The Candida diet

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