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Gifting With Books at Christmas Time

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My niece and I both lost our mothers. I gave her Motherless Daughters one year and we had a good cry together just opening the gift.

My NJ-born Polish MIL is obsessed with Santa Fe, NM. This year we read The Night of Las Posadas by Tommie dePaola. I hadn't even finished it reading it when my kids decided we HAD to buy this children's book for Grandmom, for Christmas.

I like to give blank journals, cookbooks, and books relating to a person's interests as well. For my dh I usually buy Dave Ramsey's "recommended business books/". Each one I purchased for dh has been a hit!

Edited by cjbeach
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I don't have a specific book or books that I usually give. I try to tailor the book choice to the person & that can vary year to year. I try to find lovely books for nieces & nephews (though my oldest nephew will be getting a Zits book this year, lol); military history or Stephen King books for my dad; etc.... And, my sister always gets a bizarre book each year. I love finding her something totally strange. :D

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For toddlers I like to give board books with touchy-feely pages. There is a pretty Christmas one published by DK that we own and I just saw on sale at the bookstore again tonight.


For little ones who can sit through a whole picture book and won't rip the pages I like the Snowmen books (there are many with titles like What Do Snowmen Do at Night?), How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and The Polar Express. There are several versions of The Nutcracker and The Night Before Christmas out there that are beautifully illustrated.


I often give books for Christmas that aren't Christmas-themed, though. This year my eldest is getting the first Harry Potter book.

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