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Every evening I tuck the kids in bed and settle in to get some work done....

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And by work, I mean researching certain necessary topics like organic container gardening, the evils of plastics:D, or perhaps to read ahead in Latin- since I barely understand what my children are learning right now.


I have so many "projects" that I look forward to tackling in the evening when I have a moments peace.


But here I sit, again, mentally drained.


I will get my second wind in another hour, but by then it will be time to get ready for bed. I may wake up again at 1am and have a thoughtful time of problem solving, but I'm not going to get up and read from the stack of "useful" articles.


I can only get up so early, and in this bity house the little ones hear the slightest stirring.


When do you get your projects done? I guess this is a very individual question. Take into account the ages of your children, whether your dh gives you time away, etc.


I'm in the full childcare care, husband at sea, no reliable babysitters nearby stage of life. Perhaps I shouldn't worry about container gardening? :D


Okay, I think I'm really asking if anyone else plans on getting X,Y,Z done during the day when the kids are taking all your time, and then find when everyone's in bed you just don't have any gas left in the engine. I should have said that in the first place.



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I've been blessed with parents close by and dh is sometimes home for supper... but still I confess that even the smallest things (clean off the school table, file school work) stay on my to-do list for several weeks before I get to them. Don't even ask how far behind I am with getting photos in albums. I gave up scrapbooking about 6 years ago!


I don't have any "answers" for you. Part of me thinks even 20 minutes a day could accomplish a lot over a period of time, but I'm not disciplined enough (or caught up on daily chores enough) to implement such a plan!


Good luck!!!

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I try to read up on things here and there as you mentioned, but as for actually getting things "done", it just doesn't happen with lots of little ones around. Yesterday it took me all day from morning till 9:00 to iron and hang two sets of curtains. There's just so many interruptions!


This is primarily why I no longer scrap book or sew...the frustration of not getting to it, or ever completing a project, manifested itself as frustration toward my dc. It just wasn't worth it to me.


I've had to seriously lower my expectations. If I can accomplish one thing each day, outside the scope of homeschooling or homemaking, I feel like I've conquered the world :001_smile:

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When I had little ones like you do, I never did, LOL! :001_smile: I had no family or friends near, dh worked three jobs and went to school; it was all I could do to keep us all alive each day.


Now that my youngest is almost 6 yo, and it is much better. I can do some things during the day while dc are busy, and I am not so exhausted, so I get in a few hours of "my own thing" every evening.


My advice, I guess, is to hang in there, even if it never works out. This is a hard season of life.


Some ideas, though: Can you get everyone down for a nap at the same time and nap yourself, so you have more energy for after they go to bed? Can the 11 yo take some time to watch the 3 and 1 yo for you for an hour or two once a week or so, and you can recharge? One thing I did when dc were about 8, 6, and 2 yo was to go to the park when it was empty, find a big grassy area, and put down a blanket. Dc would play near me, and I could read. The olders could keep an eye on the littlers enough to keep him from running off.


HTH!! :grouphug:

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What I do:


1. Put my "research materials" - one at a time - in the bathroom. I don't read very much at a time, but I do read a bit a couple of times a day and it does add up! My current project list: vegetable gardening, composting, baking with non-wheat flours, cooking with honey, homeschooling middle/high school, and a book on Latin. Hmm - that list is long - does this mean I should hope I get diarrhea?!:D


2. Make gardening a family activity. Every day at 4 pm (if it is not pouring rain) we set the timer for 30 min. and go outside to work on the yard/garden. Tuesday we actually got a few spring veggies planted!


3. We have quiet time every afternoon. Most of the time I have to nap myself, but some days I'm perky and will do some then.

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What I do:


1. Put my "research materials" - one at a time - in the bathroom. I don't read very much at a time, but I do read a bit a couple of times a day and it does add up! My current project list: vegetable gardening, composting, baking with non-wheat flours, cooking with honey, homeschooling middle/high school, and a book on Latin. Hmm - that list is long - does this mean I should hope I get diarrhea?!:D


2. Make gardening a family activity. Every day at 4 pm (if it is not pouring rain) we set the timer for 30 min. and go outside to work on the yard/garden. Tuesday we actually got a few spring veggies planted!


3. We have quiet time every afternoon. Most of the time I have to nap myself, but some days I'm perky and will do some then.


I'm not afraid to admit I already use the bathroom reading method. I'll bulk up on the fiber. ;) I've even been known to tape printed out articles up on the kitchen cupboards for when I'm engaged in mindless sandwich making or stirring. :D I am so glad to hear your account of how you did it and that it gets better.


Thanks so much.



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When I had little ones like you do, I never did, LOL! :001_smile: I had no family or friends near, dh worked three jobs and went to school; it was all I could do to keep us all alive each day.


Now that my youngest is almost 6 yo, and it is much better. I can do some things during the day while dc are busy, and I am not so exhausted, so I get in a few hours of "my own thing" every evening.


My advice, I guess, is to hang in there, even if it never works out. This is a hard season of life.


Some ideas, though: Can you get everyone down for a nap at the same time and nap yourself, so you have more energy for after they go to bed? Can the 11 yo take some time to watch the 3 and 1 yo for you for an hour or two once a week or so, and you can recharge? One thing I did when dc were about 8, 6, and 2 yo was to go to the park when it was empty, find a big grassy area, and put down a blanket. Dc would play near me, and I could read. The olders could keep an eye on the littlers enough to keep him from running off.


HTH!! :grouphug:


Can you believe I do try and get a short nap everyday and I still putter out in the evening? It is my goal in life to get the 3 and 1 yr olds down at the same time. Then I usually do one lesson that requires no interruptions with the older kids then I lay down to "read".....Ha! ZZZZZZZZZZZZ


Giving my oldest a time to watch the little ones more often is a good idea. Thanks so much for your advice.



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I try to read up on things here and there as you mentioned, but as for actually getting things "done", it just doesn't happen with lots of little ones around. Yesterday it took me all day from morning till 9:00 to iron and hang two sets of curtains. There's just so many interruptions!


This is primarily why I no longer scrap book or sew...the frustration of not getting to it, or ever completing a project, manifested itself as frustration toward my dc. It just wasn't worth it to me.


I've had to seriously lower my expectations. If I can accomplish one thing each day, outside the scope of homeschooling or homemaking, I feel like I've conquered the world :001_smile:


You are so right about the unfinished projects causing frustration. This is why I have been trying to put off things until the evening, because the interruptions, over time, were making me snippy.


To accomplish one extra project a day is a worthy goal---I hear you. Thanks.



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Can you believe I do try and get a short nap everyday and I still putter out in the evening? It is my goal in life to get the 3 and 1 yr olds down at the same time. Then I usually do one lesson that requires no interruptions with the older kids then I lay down to "read".....Ha! ZZZZZZZZZZZZ


Giving my oldest a time to watch the little ones more often is a good idea. Thanks so much for your advice.




Another possibility, if you think you are unusually tired (not just mom-tired,) would be to be careful about diet. Eating like a diabetic (small meals containing protein throughout the day) helps with my tiredness. Also, rule out any medical reason (thyroid, iron, etc.)

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Another possibility, if you think you are unusually tired (not just mom-tired,) would be to be careful about diet. Eating like a diabetic (small meals containing protein throughout the day) helps with my tiredness. Also, rule out any medical reason (thyroid, iron, etc.)


Can pregnancy be my medical reason? Please? Then again, I really do need to watch my diet, especially when my dh is gone. I just don't prepare balanced meals when it is just for myself. This is a good reminder. I have been preggo or nursing for 12 years now. You'd think I'd learn that diet matters!





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We have rest time every afternoon in our house, only ds3 sleeps but the rest of us are in our beds reading for an hour. This is a lifesaver for me :) I can read, knit, cut out a dress to make, etc. I also have been known to put the kids to bed a little early but let them keep the lights on to read for a bit; that way the house is quiet and they don't need me anymore for the day and they are happy to get to "stay up". HTH

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Can pregnancy be my medical reason? Please? Then again, I really do need to watch my diet, especially when my dh is gone. I just don't prepare balanced meals when it is just for myself. This is a good reminder. I have been preggo or nursing for 12 years now. You'd think I'd learn that diet matters!






I missed that part, LOL! In that case, I say don't worry about getting anything done. Just relax. Creating life is plenty to get accomplished!! :001_smile:

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Jo, I just wanted to add that another thing I do is that I've hired a neighbor to come supervise the kid's school for 1 1/2 hours one morning a week. That is supposed to be my "business/project time". My ds10 just does his work independently while my neighbor works with dd6. Dd6 will read her phonics reader to her, will do some math, and they will do a science project together. It is some work for me because I have to get all the science stuff together before she comes. I also have to choose stuff for them to do that is fairly easy and self-explanatory. Sometimes I will have her help/supervise an art project with both of the kids. You have such a wide age range that things like simple science experiments, art, even P.E. or a nature walk might be more manageable for someone to do for you. I pay her pretty bare-bones pay - $5 an hour but it is worth it to her so it works out for both of us.


I have to say though, that it has had its pros and cons.


Pros: I was able to get the taxes done!


My dd6 loves her.


Sometimes I use this time for overflow housework - like working on the laundry if it gets backed up (I'm not sure if this is a pro or a con!)


Cons: My neighbor isn't as independent as I thought she would be! I will lay out stuff for her to do with my dd but she doesn't always move on the to the next subject right away.


My neighbor is a good friend so I've had some trouble keeping her from spending time chatting with me - I love to chat but this is "my" work time and the children's school time!


I haven't always been as organized as I should be to get all materials ready for her and one time I misjudged and they zipped through everything and I had to go tearing around the house looking for more for them to do!


Anyway- I'm writing all this out because I've had to think outside the box somewhat and maybe it will get your creative juices going to help meet your need.

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