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What if she doesn't want to come home next year?

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I've never completely let go of homeschooling dd, even tho she's in ps now for 5th. She's having a pretty good time of it--great grades, nice new friends, fairly interesting material. Most of it is review, but not all of it.

She's having fun, liking school. So now I'm nervous. I'm actually borrowing trouble by worrying that she will not want to come home next year. We would do things a bit differently than we had before, joining a co-op and continuing with music lessons, and being proactive with visiting friends and such. But for some reason, I am uneasy with the thought of dealing with her possible attitude of not wanting to be home.


Any thoughts? I know, I'm the mommy--I get to decide what's best. I guess I'm just worn out with her brother, and I don't want to deal with rebellion in her, however differently it would manifest.

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Chris, you will need to separate out your feelings regarding the two children. Wait until the end of the year is closer; both yours and your dd's feelings may change. When my ds returned to ps for hs, he was delighted. Now, for sophomore year, the reality is setting in. He likes the social but is bothered by the academics and many of the students' lack of interest in learning. There is some resentment towards the siblings that are home. Thinking of you and your son and wishing for some relief there. I am so sorry.:grouphug:

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Thanks--yes, I need to be very clear on my feelings, and go with what is best, even if my dd doesn't like it. I think by insuring we actually do what we plan (what I plan, more rightly, although she has limited input) and by incorporating her need for activities and social time, we could have a successful year. I am still growing in the area of "placating" by kiddos instead of being a responsible parent, and that comes from my own need for approval.

Gee, maybe the years of therapy are finally working...;-)

Thanks for the support, SM and M!

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I've never completely let go of homeschooling dd, even tho she's in ps now for 5th. She's having a pretty good time of it--great grades, nice new friends, fairly interesting material. Most of it is review, but not all of it.

She's having fun, liking school. So now I'm nervous. I'm actually borrowing trouble by worrying that she will not want to come home next year. We would do things a bit differently than we had before, joining a co-op and continuing with music lessons, and being proactive with visiting friends and such. But for some reason, I am uneasy with the thought of dealing with her possible attitude of not wanting to be home.


Any thoughts? I know, I'm the mommy--I get to decide what's best. I guess I'm just worn out with her brother, and I don't want to deal with rebellion in her, however differently it would manifest.


I don't have any thoughts, just :grouphug:, and the offer of prayer.

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I think I'm also hoping that homeschooling IS best for her. I know for sure I don't want to expose her to some of the school culture, and I know I can provide pretty strong academics. I guess I am a little insecure about me being the best teacher, and my follow-thru is weak sometimes. I'm a planner, not so much a doer.

It takes work, doesn't it, to homeschool! LOL I have a lazy side--dh says, gently, that pride is his greatest "deadly," and sloth is probably mine! I do agree.

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